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Change to Pirates Rules
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Mar-17-2008 23:51


After a lot of valid complaints, I've finally changed the rules a bit for how pirating works.

1) The chances of getting pirated twice in a day have been reduced, and you should never be pirated more than twice.

2) You no long lose money when pirated, only turns. The money loss hit newer players considerably harder than advanced Sleuths, so this should be a bit more equitable.



Mar-18-2008 15:20

Thank you, Ben! I know this is going to make a big difference for a lot of people.

May I add that I believe Miss Snopes has a valid point - the pirate ships are currently suffering from a severe lack of Orlando Bloom. I'm sure this was just a coding 'oops' and easily rectifiable. Your swift correction of this issue is highly appreciated. :-D


Mar-18-2008 15:53

I whole heartadly disagree, what the pirate ships are missing is the damsels in distress like Keira Knightley! ;-)

Safety Officer

Mar-18-2008 23:01

Hey this is great. Thanks Ben. Like ctown I might as well 'try'. Can I have a retrospective refund of all the ties I was pirated more than once, and will you believe me if I say I've kept tally and my records are totally above board (only minor pun intended) and accurate :)

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Mar-19-2008 07:17

Indeed great news (especially for new players) !

Con Artist

May-27-2008 14:59

I was pirated twice in a row on an AVH making it impossible to travel to the next city.

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-27-2008 22:38

BUT was Orlando Bloom aboard? If so, I might sell my hostage negotiation. ;)

Sleuth About Town

May-29-2008 06:22

How much do you wantfor hostage negotiation ;))

Sleuth About Town

May-29-2008 06:36

Ctown28 wants both books... I want both skills :))

-- ctown28 --
Can I get my standing with Steepers wiped out so I can go for Tigers now? This makes that much of a difference. Or do you see right through me and know I only want to change so I can have both books! ;-)

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-29-2008 10:57

And I want both books AND both skills! It seems my hostage negotiation would work no matter where the pirates are!!!! Gah!

Con Artist

May-29-2008 18:20

I'll just take Orlando Bloom please.

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