The Rules
Old Shoe
Mar-1-2008 01:12
The first rule of Fight Club is... YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!!!
Oh dang. Dangitty dangitty dang dang. Wrong room. Sorry. I humbly apologize to the corner of your parent's four-post bed.
My brain is hurting from thinking about whether this is a game or not. Stupid irony!
Teach the people the rules you have learned in the course of your travels: For example -
Don't walk in on your parents. If by some chance you DO make this mistake, don't try to cover up the awkwardness by telling either of them that they look like they've lost a little weight.
When you leave a place, just leave. Dont announce it. anyone who matters will have noticed you're gone.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Mar-12-2008 11:59
Sure, its nice to catch that stringer of fish but never walk through the forest wearing a salmon necklace.
Rich J. Mayo
Mar-12-2008 21:11
If a questionaire asks "Sex: M/F" ... don't circle both and write "Sometimes Wednesdays too."
Mar-13-2008 05:54
This one is a man rule:
When going into the restroom and there is one other guy in there, always use the urinal that is farthest away from the one in use!
Diane Russell
Mar-13-2008 08:10
Now that reminds me of a Winston Churchill anecdote:
One day Sir Winston and a Labour party member were in the men's bathroom. And the Labour rep noticed that Churchill had taken the urinal furthest from him.
"Feeling standoffish, today, Winston?", he asked.
Churchill said, "That's right, because everytime you people see something big, you want to nationalize it".
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
This reply has been deleted by a Moderator
This reply has been deleted by a Moderator
Mar-14-2008 20:25
I'm not sure why either of these posts were deleted. There wasn't anything wrong with either of them.
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Mar-15-2008 03:49
I may have an explanation for you Anikka.
As I said the rule i have posted was the real rule no1! So maybe someone was aware of the rule !!! and thought that some things should remain hidden.
Olrye , Olrye brahtabmt, Olrye hertribmt
Mar-15-2008 10:00
Shoot first, ask questions later!
Rich J. Mayo
Mar-15-2008 11:46
Never mess with a Cecilian, when death is on the line.