Sleuthy B-Day
Old Shoe
Feb-12-2008 14:47
It was my Sleuthy B-day yesterday. I am one year old. And I wanted to thank everyone in the Sleuth community for being so nice and helpful in order for me to make it this far. Especially Ben, of course, for making such a great game!
Yay for me! *throws confetti around*
Replies |
Andrew Starbright
Feb-12-2008 23:05
Happy Slueth B'day detectiveHappy!
Feb-12-2008 23:29
Happy Birthday Det.Happy!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Endeavour will buy you some drinks down at the Olw next time we're all in London!
Old Shoe
Feb-13-2008 11:31
Aww, thank you everyone :-D
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Feb-14-2008 10:53
Woooo Hoooo! Happy Birthday! Congrats to your time well spent ; )
Old Shoe
Feb-14-2008 16:09
thank you, thank you. presents are always accepted :-D
Wayne Williams Jr.
Feb-15-2008 09:09
Happy birthday, detectivehappy! Many happy returns! :)
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Feb-15-2008 10:50
Happy Belated Birthday detectivehappy!
Remember - You'll never be younger than you are right now! :)
Sinus Felina
Feb-17-2008 17:53
*Pops the champagne* Hurrah for detectivehappy!
Old Shoe
Feb-17-2008 18:22
aww, thanks again everyone :-)
Mai Capome
Old Shoe
Feb-20-2008 04:20
Ummmm ................... looks around in disappointment, party seems to be over, guess i'll clean up the confetti.
Really should get out more:)