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New Avatar Request Process
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-1-2008 12:05


The old email address that we used to receive new avatars is now so overrun by spam as to be pretty useless.

So, from now on, please send any pictures you would like to use for your detective avatar to this address:

The rules:
1) This offer is only open to current subscribers.
2) Portrait photos only. No cartoons, illustrations, full body shots, etc.
3) Try to stick with the style of the game.
4) We reserve the right to refuse to post avatar images for any reason. The most common reasons we refuse are:

It can take up to six weeks to turn around avatars, so please don't freak out if you don't hear back right away.

If you sent an avatar to the old address that has not yet been posted, please resend it to this address.

Thank you! (And thanks to the volunteer avatar wranglers who help get these prepared and posted).



Aug-11-2008 18:23

why does it only have to be subscribers?some people dont have that kinda money............

Safety Officer

Aug-11-2008 20:47

Oh mikky. Hey mikky. Can't you understand. Anyway I could go on with that and amuse myself terribly, but let's not. Easy answer is that the avs are done by volunteers. And it is something that subscribers have to wait patiently for too. If the volunteers who did the av's had to work on people's avs who weren't subscribed those people would have to wait even longer. And the limited time that admin had to work on actual game improvements would also be diminished further. Sorry. That's just how it is. And I don't believe it is likely to change in the near future.

Jack Dawkins
Jack Dawkins
Old Shoe

Aug-11-2008 23:09

Mikky, isn't it always the case that subscribers get more perks than non subscribers?

Pinball Amateur

Aug-12-2008 00:05

So, Jack and Mikky, does this mean you're gettin' on the volunteering bandwagon, and offering to help Squirrel out with avatars??

Uh huh. ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-12-2008 01:42

lol Jack, you have the perk of playing this game for free. Enjoy ;)

Harry Tough
Harry Tough

Aug-12-2008 03:51

I've sent avatars for Harry Tough (harrytough.jpg) to at Jul 11 - is it correct address? And when I can enjoy my new look? :-)


Sleuth About Town

Aug-12-2008 04:47

lol, same kind of "perk" of playing the game for free as you Brasco... ;-)
As far as I can see, Jack is even a member of famous Dawg Pound Investigations.... ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-12-2008 06:20

Ahhh... now I understand lol

Jack Dawkins
Jack Dawkins
Old Shoe

Aug-12-2008 09:53

Huh? Wha? What did I do? If you're refering to the source of my funds, well that posh mark, um I mean guv, "donated" it to me!

Safety Officer

Aug-12-2008 18:34

Yes Harry I have your submission. I should probably do the few that are there. I'll attempt that this week.

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