CONTEST: Seuss Noir
Jan-18-2008 21:43
"Rain pounded on the windows, and a fist pounded on the door. I swung the door open just as a bolt of lightning revealed the visage of a bewhiskered man wearing a fedora.
The lady of the house was out, but it was me he wanted. Me and the little lady I was with. He smirked, and I knew there wasn't enough gin in the world to erase the coming nightmare."
Recognise it? No? Ahh, if the Cat in the Hat went Noir, it might look like this.
But maybe you disagree. Well, then, show me what YOU think it would look like if Seuss went Noir... any Dr. Seuss story, just use the original story name as your title.
Not including the title, please tell your story in a maximum of 5000 words. I advise you to write it all in a word processing program and copy/paste it into posts, so that you don't run the risk of someone posting in the middle of your story.
So, there you go. And here's some useful tips for ya, kid:
* Spellcheck is your friend. No, really, it is.
*Punctuation is your friend, too. Period. :-D
Submissions must be posted no later than 11:59PM on Thursday, January 31.
Prize(s) will be awarded!
Replies |
Old Shoe
Feb-1-2008 12:16
Lol, Don't worry about influincing the judges. I think I'm the only other entry, and I would vote for you :-D
Can't wait to read the newest installment on your webiste. Great job!!
Feb-1-2008 13:00
Thanks Det.Happy! Well fingers crossed for us both I think! And it's a shame there weren't other entrants, it would have been great to read more!
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Feb-1-2008 15:40
Well guys, you were the only two entrants, and before judging starts, I'll go ahead and say congrats to both of you. You both are winners in my book!
Feb-2-2008 22:12
Rain pounded on the windows, and a fist pounded on the door. I swung the door open just as a bolt of lightning revealed the visage of a bewhiskered man wearing a fedora.
The lady of the house was out, but it was me he wanted. Me and the little lady I was with. He smirked, and I knew there wasn't enough gin in the world to erase the coming nightmare.
He shouldered his way in, casual about it. Like he didn't have a care in the world, and maybe he didn't. I did, though. The odd smile sent a chill up my spine; my companion shuddered and even the goldfish hid in its little castle.
He reached into his coat, and I cringed, pushing the lady behind me like it would help. Slowly, slowly, he pulled his hand out, and clutched in it was...
...a big wad of cash.
I was baffled, but the man's whiskers twitched. He was obviouly having fun.
"You Stooby?" he said, his grin showing two sharp incisors that made his grin positively feline.
I straightened, confused and unable to take my gaze off the wad of cash. "Who? No, I'm not Stooby. He's three doors down, in the brick house."
"So, then, that's not DetectiveHappy behind you?"
My companion peeked out at the stranger, frowning. "No, I'm not. And whatever it is she did, you ain't pinnin' it on me!"
The hat wobbled as the odd man shook his head. "Only won Fifty Thousand SleuthDollars as second prize in a contest," he said with that feline smirk. "Don't worry, I won't try to pin it on you."
"F-f-f-fifty thousand?" I stammered.
"Yeah. And it's too bad you're not Stooby, who gets One Hundred Thousand SleuthDollars for taking first place." The man turned to let himself out the front door. "The brick house, you say? Thanks muchly."
And as he left, I could swear I saw his tail twitch with his laughter. Tail? Musta been a shadow.
Feb-2-2008 22:14
Congratulations to both of you, and thanks for the stories!
Thanks to the judges, Ctown and Lady Jas (yeah, and me, but I'm not thanking myself-it's too weird).
Prizes compliments of Ctown and myself - mostly Ctown, though. :-)
Feb-3-2008 00:39
Eek... you mean he's comming my why??? Right where'd I leave that sofa? I got some hiding to do...
Pinball Amateur
Feb-3-2008 13:09
Lol. Congratulations, Stooby and Happy!! You two did a wonderful job with your stories!! If you need a place to hide, come see me--Missy and I will protect you from Ol' Catman....;-)
Feb-3-2008 21:24
Great entries by both of you, to reiterate what Jas said, you are both winners. Had to give the nod to Stooby but Happy, don't hang your head, yours was great too! :-D
Old Shoe
Feb-3-2008 21:53
Awww, Thanks everyone for your kind words! And Congrats to Stooby, you did a great job :-D
Feb-4-2008 00:04
You to Det. Happy, nive that we both won!