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Taking A Much Needed Break
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Nov-3-2004 17:51

Due to computer problems yesterday, I wasn't able to stay online long enough to post a message to tell everyone that I was leaving to take a much needed break from Sleuth. I'm already having withdrawals from my being addicted to I hope I want need theraphy before I can get back...hehe. The real reason for having to leave is I need to have my computer fixed and Windows XP reinstalled, and more ram added, so I can stay online and solve cases without the constant interruption of being knocked offline, or my computer freezing up. It took me forever to solve cases or get anything accomplished. Another reason is because of my health. I'm facing surgery in the near future, and other major health problems, at this time.It broke my heart to let my dream agency close at Lone Wolf, but it was something I knew had to be done. It's alot of work running an agency, so I let it go because of affecting my health, so I merged with Star Agency, in hopes of helping relieve the stress or load from me. It certaintly did help to merge together with Lillyn, my long time friend, but I just couldn't continue on because of my health, and plus I needed to get my computer fixed. I came back today to let Ben & Sunny know that DaRu's character will not be quitting, but taking a vacation or break for awhile. I will deeply miss all my friends here, M.Zane, and Lillyn, as well as Vipsania2, Lacie, Mike Mitchell 2, and new members, Morghan, Wriglyfield, and Schwelds. I wish my friends the best at "Star Agency" and success in winning trophies as they climb in rank.They are great agents and I know they can do it. I'll be rooting for you guys God bless you all. "Happy Sleuthing Everyone!"


Nancy Dew
Nancy Dew

Nov-14-2004 15:14

i thought there was only one page. now i see that you and your comp. are better.


Nov-14-2004 17:23

Nah, she just can't stay away.


Nov-17-2004 21:23

Thanks DaRu, enjoyed our chats. Let us know when your back.


Nov-17-2004 21:49

Hi guys, it's true Ive kept signing on here since I wrote that message above, and I even told Ben I wanted to subscribe Texan, my spouses character, but since his shoulder sugery, he's not been able to solve any cases, and the last four days have been extrememly difficult on me to sign on and try to play, and I'm finding that it's ed months later for it's tailor contact. I've had some great times here and just hate to leave for good. I've actually


Nov-18-2004 01:35

Yeah, you really keep signing here again. I hope you and your 'family' will all get well soon. By the way, what's the continuation of 'I've actually...'


Nov-23-2004 14:52

i hope u pull through DaRu
me and her partly know eachother over the game and she was willing to let me, a newbie, only a week old, into her agency
God bless u!

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