Taking A Much Needed Break
Nov-3-2004 17:51
Due to computer problems yesterday, I wasn't able to stay online long enough to post a message to tell everyone that I was leaving to take a much needed break from Sleuth. I'm already having withdrawals from my being addicted to Sleuth..lol. I hope I want need theraphy before I can get back...hehe. The real reason for having to leave is I need to have my computer fixed and Windows XP reinstalled, and more ram added, so I can stay online and solve cases without the constant interruption of being knocked offline, or my computer freezing up. It took me forever to solve cases or get anything accomplished. Another reason is because of my health. I'm facing surgery in the near future, and other major health problems, at this time.It broke my heart to let my dream agency close at Lone Wolf, but it was something I knew had to be done. It's alot of work running an agency, so I let it go because of affecting my health, so I merged with Star Agency, in hopes of helping relieve the stress or load from me. It certaintly did help to merge together with Lillyn, my long time friend, but I just couldn't continue on because of my health, and plus I needed to get my computer fixed. I came back today to let Ben & Sunny know that DaRu's character will not be quitting, but taking a vacation or break for awhile. I will deeply miss all my friends here, M.Zane, and Lillyn, as well as Vipsania2, Lacie, Mike Mitchell 2, and new members, Morghan, Wriglyfield, and Schwelds. I wish my friends the best at "Star Agency" and success in winning trophies as they climb in rank.They are great agents and I know they can do it. I'll be rooting for you guys offline...lol. God bless you all. "Happy Sleuthing Everyone!"
Replies |
Nov-4-2004 21:36
Hope you're well soon, Daru. God speed and we'll be thinking of you!
Skyler Michaels
Nov-4-2004 22:45
Get better quick Daru and remember laughing is very healthy for ones healing.
Nov-6-2004 14:38
Just came by on my way out again, to say thanks to all of you for all the kind words. I apreciate your prayers and friendship. I wasn't able to fix my computer at the time, but did enough to get me by for the time being, so I can log in and catch up on the latest news here at my favorite game site. I did rejoin Star but just couldn't do it, but I did lend my shoe maker contact to Star since I won't have any need for it for awhile. Happy Sleuthing everyone.
Nov-6-2004 14:43
PS, My last message didn't quite make sense. What I meant was, I did rejoin since I posted it I quit, however, I just couldn't stay because of so many personal reasons. I just found out my oldest yorkshire terrie's left inner ear has black blood caked on the ear drum, & needs an X-ray to determine what's wrong, and my youngest yorkie Zechariah has a kidney infection, so they need their mommy to take care of them. Their my little sweethearts. When everything is better, I hope to come back, but until then I wish every agency here much success.
Nov-6-2004 16:31
Poor doggies! We'll be pulling for them, too! :)
Nov-6-2004 17:37
Thank you Moonshh for that.They are our little men. Our children kids us by saying we love Woodrow and Zechariah more than them, lol. But they do mind us better than any of our children ever did...lol.
Nov-7-2004 09:29
My my, hope the doggies get well soon! If Star needs help with anything, TAFKADD will gladly help out!
Nov-7-2004 21:09
Hey there jstkdn, just stopped by on my way out and check & see if there was a message for me. I was happy to hear from you and I know the boys would be happy to know you sent well wishes their way. Just thought I'd mention that I love your agencie's new name. I wish you all the best. I probably won't be returning anytime soon. Take care.
Andrew Khoo
Nov-8-2004 05:06
What does TAFKADD mean? Just a guess, but I think it means The Agency Formerly Known As Demon's Deeds!
Nov-8-2004 06:40
DaRu - Overdogs sends its best 'moosie magic' to you and the little 'yorkie terrors'. Hope everyone is feeling great soon, and you are back with us where you belong.
If our agency can do anything to help Star, just have someone give us a holler.