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I'd like advice... what skill next?
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Death Bredon
Death Bredon

Dec-30-2007 19:56

I presently have learned:
Intermediate Sweet Talking
Judge of Character (that was a waste of points, but I didn't know what it meant)
Lock Picking
Rule Bending
Thread Analysis
Footprint Analysis
Advanced Hair Analysis

I'm kind of leaning toward improving my Rule Bending, but I'm thinking that Advanced Thread Analysis could also be good. Or maybe something else I haven't thought of. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Death Bredon
Death Bredon

Dec-31-2007 00:13

Thanks, Ddog. It's good to have advice from a been-there, done-that gumshoe. DB

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Dec-31-2007 04:21

I would personally go for all the Charm Skills first. So all the way to Advanced Sweet Talking and Advanced Rule bending.

Then again, making your own mistakes and learning from them is one of the beauties of sleuth.

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

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Dec-31-2007 05:00

I agree with Violet.

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