CONTEST: There Once Was a Gumshoe in Sleuth...
Dec-10-2007 00:33
Yeah, the limerick sure is an art form. Is it YOUR art form? Show us!
Yes, it's the Sleuth Limerick contest. Let's get all the icky rule stuff out of the way.
* Limerick should be about Sleuth Noir OR a murder mystery OR about a detective or crime.
* You can put in as many entries as you like :)
* Entries must follow standard limerick rhythm and rhyming patterns (see example below)
* Limericks are usually, historically speaking, vulgar. Let's not go that route in this contest, thanks.
* Spelling counts, etc. As always.
* Entries must be posted by 11:59 PM server time on December 31, 2007
There are prizes to be had!! Happy, happy prizes, all waiting for YOU, yes, YOU! to win them.
* Subscribed winner(s) will receive Sleuthcash. Yay, sleuthcash! Who wants to be a millionaire? YOU DO! (okay, just for the record, I'm not giving away a million dollars in Sleuthcash - more like $100,000)
* Unsubscribed winner(s) will receive a one month gift subscription and $50,000 Sleuthcash. WOOT!
This example was written by that famous author, Anonymous. Okay, fine, I wrote it. :-P
There once was a tough but smart chump
Whose client was charmingly plump,
He tracked down the killer -
T'was Thomas, the miller!
Thus breaking his false accuse slump.
If you need more information about the rhythm, try this (ripped right from Wikipedia): "There WAS a young MAN from the COAST;" "There ONCE was a GIRL from DeTROIT..."
Basically, syllable-wise, 8,8,6,6,8 with a rhyme scheme of A,A,B,B,A
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Dec-11-2007 12:44
T'was a dark and lonely night.
She sat quietly pondering her plight.
If he talked she'd be jailed,
If he was dead she'd be hailed
As the wealthy widow of Dwight.
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town
Dec-11-2007 12:59
A good mystery needs a list:
Some suspects, a corpse and a twist.
If he works out the clues,
A sleuth can earn his dues,
(And if he's real lucky, get kissed!)
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town
Dec-11-2007 13:01
(By the way, there is an alternate ending to the final line, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to post it...)
Dec-11-2007 13:48
Does the alternative invlove a lengthy night at the Owl?
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town
Dec-11-2007 14:45
Could do!
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Dec-12-2007 10:16
I hop it can be a string of Limericks! Here's my entry. :-)
There once was a Dutchman named Kees,
Who’s body lay outside to freeze,
I’m hired by a friend,
The were friends ‘til the end
Which came round in a wheel of cheese.
It was that Drew the cheese maker
Was in trouble with the baker.
So into the vat he poured
Cleaning lye which assured
The death of his money taker.
The baker had threatened to tell
Something that would make Drew’s life hell.
The cheese maker argued,
But blackmail still ensued,
And for Kees, all would not be well.
Sleuth About Town
Dec-12-2007 16:47
There once was a man named O'Rouke,
who died by a dirty steak fork;
I was needing a hint,
Then I found the thread lint.
I guess this bloke should have had pork.
Safety Officer
Dec-13-2007 02:12
There once was a sleuth from Nantucket
Hey I had to at least try...
There once was a sleuth from Nantucket,
Who found evidence sealed in a bucket.
It was truly a mess!
A head... more or less,
And when it slipped from his grasp he said... Ffffffor goodness sake, aren't I a silly butter-fingers.
Dec-13-2007 04:14
There once was a ghost known as Fred
A Sleuth was called when he was dead
With his killer in jail
His dread spirit did wail
"But I slid and fell in my shed."
Sleuth About Town
Dec-13-2007 09:55
There once was a Sleuth named Nona,
She lay dead near an iguana,
Her killer ran amok,
Wishing all a good luck,
She doesn't lie near Botswana.