Sleuth Server Time
Oct-30-2007 21:25
What happened to Sleuth server time. Used to be just over 2 hours behind me, now it's 3. Ben did you move the server time or did the server just not get the DST patch for the time time change?
Enquiring minds want to know! lol
Replies |
miss guided
Oct-31-2007 06:23
Evenings............... I got me eyes shut on my way to work in the mornings anyway, so daylight in the am doesnt bother me. Would love to see abit of it once ive got me head together and woken up :)
Ps: Im not a farmer either.
Verne Miller
Oct-31-2007 11:46
Evenings - thats when I play Sleuth!
Oct-31-2007 12:01
Evening. The sun sets at 330pm here now :(.
Stupid Sweden.
Anyhow, I say GO KOREA! They don't need no stinking DSL! They're smart.
We should all go Korean and just ignore DSL.
Pinball Amateur
Oct-31-2007 12:53
*Raises both hands, and knees a senator or two in an acutely sensitive area...* (Darned politician vampires. Now that they've got their bloody DST law passed, they'll hafta come outta their caves and into the light a bit more often. Serves 'em right. ;-)
Evenings, here. Who cares about the sun, I need the sleep. Darned farmers. ;-)
Hey Leddie, how bout Arizona? They don't do DST either. Smart bunch of people there. ;-)
Lucky Stiff
Oct-31-2007 20:23
it would be fine if stupid presidents didnt mess with a perfectly fine system....
Oct-31-2007 20:29
oh jeez biggie, a Boston fan and a Democrat!!! ;-)
Oct-31-2007 20:41
lol DLS 'started' in Aus. (well in my State) last weekend. An extra hour of daylight is a good thing!!
As of next year we will run DLS from the start of October to the end of April. Overkill perhaps.
But at the moment Sleuth Server Oct 31 - 8.30pm is my time Nov 1 - 3pm, (where did that half hour go). So when you change, I'll have had 2 changes in the space of 2 weeks.
Old Shoe
Oct-31-2007 22:50
lol, "Danger Mouse"?
Whatever happened to "Furtive Ferret" and "Reclusive Rat"?
*will never trust another buck-toothed, alliterative secret*
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-1-2007 09:53
yeah, the sleuth servers are on the old DSL dates still. Not the new tangled (all year is DSL ).
Should catch up on Nov 4th when the real switch happens.
Lucky Stiff
Nov-1-2007 12:26
I'm the wolfman! wolfman is no democrat!!
lol in all actuality, I'm probably more republican than anything else. I just happen to have something against idiots :p