my agency
Oct-30-2007 17:31
I have a big question..I've rent an office a few days ago in NY,and after that I left the town, going to London for a case..Been in London I received once a message that my agency is one day behind on rent,and I find it very wird because I alwais had money before I logout,but now the problem is that I'm back in NY,but my agency IS GONE..!I'm new in this game so can somebody explain me what I've did wrong..Thanks for any help I'll receive..
Replies |
Oct-30-2007 18:40
I've rent a new office,but this time I'll make sure that I have money in the agency safe and no in my pocket..lol..thks again Lady Jas
David Adams
Oct-30-2007 18:52
I'm gonna strongly suggest you stick around town until you've built up enough funds to have enough money in the bank to keep yourself afloat, and have AT LEAST a month's rent in the safe before you take off again. Agencies (and detectives) are at their most vulnerable when they're first starting out, and many agencies don't make it past the first six months, especially when they start out with less than $50,000 in their safe.
Good luck, Murphis.
David Adams
Oct-30-2007 18:59
I also hope you didn't have anything you really liked in your Equipment Locker either, cause it went *poof* when the clock struck twelve. (Another reason to try and keep the place going....)
Oct-31-2007 03:59
Actually I had..:(
And this was the reason for been so angry yestarday,but I wanna think positive and say that was a good way to learn more about the game and like I sad already I'll be more carefuly for the future ..Thks everybody..
miss guided
Oct-31-2007 06:15
With that sort of positive attidude, I really hope you make it. All the very best to you Murphis.
If you need any help check the newbie FAQ, post on the boards or check out the various websites. Youll soon gain the knowledge you need.
Good Luck !!!!!