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Oct-1-2007 12:49

Is it possible to get a suspect on the list without motive by doing research right at the beginning, or it's only suited around already know suspects?

If suited around suspects, and the facts are around someone I didn't find, will it result on nothing, or just give something about the ones I found?

May I try again later, once I find more suspects?



Oct-2-2007 09:40

Thank you, all.
What about Miss Pancy? That's same thing?
I should take as information that the person she talked about (if she did talk about somebody) wasn't even in the scene?

Other... If she tells me the dead left the money to a niece, then the guilt suspect has wanted heritance as motive?

Old Shoe

Oct-3-2007 00:14

*MrThanks MrHanks for the question*

Hi there. The 'Miss Pansy' scene is one of several 'little twists' you'll get in your cases, and you'll last longer if you DON'T try to figure out whether they mean anything. They're just there for colour, and don't mean anything deep about who did what to who with what. It is what it is, and nothing else. There's one involving the police hauling someone off in handcuffs that can sometimes add someone to your suspect list, but that's it.


Oct-3-2007 10:40

But in such cases, she says the person can't be the murderer...
My question is... If so, can I work around the evidence considering that person to be out of the crime scene?

Pinball Amateur

Oct-3-2007 15:20

Miss Pancy (who the heck is that, anyway??), knows diddly, about your case, the suspect (both the guilty one and the one she mentioned), and the back side of the moon. She's a gossip, pure and simple. Take what she says for what it's worth, the same as any sane person would those 'gossip' magazines. Line the bottom of your bird cage with both of them. ;-)

Old Shoe

Oct-3-2007 22:50

*searching for a more clear way to say what I already said very clearly*

Okay, I've got it now.


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