Hi, how are you today?
Old Shoe
Sep-24-2007 01:21
Just a place to talk about what's going on with you.
Me? Aw, you're sweet for asking. I played soccer today for the first time in a while, and it turns out that one of the guys I play with has a 22-month old son I hadn't heard about. And learned in the way only sore muscles can tell you that absence makes the thighs grow painful :P
In other news, our house is being repainted (a LOVELY shade of off-taupe), starting tomorrow, some random person left a bag of clothes in my backyard last week (minus the bag part) and I'm kinda hungry.
But enough about me. How are YOU today?
Replies |
Gardener Greene
Nov-2-2007 19:04
Pretty good.
While usually I'm not happy about sitting here all day by myself, I finally got my new boots in the mail. No more breezes across my feet. Just getting over a bout of minor illness, too, so I'm feeling pretty good.
So how are you doing?
Lucky Stiff
Nov-2-2007 23:06
happy birthday, loretta!!!
Old Shoe
Nov-2-2007 23:42
I saw a squirrel run up a ladder today, which was good because the squirrel took it one rung at a time and did the whole thing at blinding speed instead of crawling up the side. So that was good. But I ate dinner in a crappy restaurant. So that was bad. The restaurant was warm, so that was good. But the linguine was just this side of inedible, so that was bad. The parking meter was broken, so we scored free parking, so that was good. But the waiter was just this side of broken too, so that was bad. I know, fifteen is a difficult age and stuff, but really now, how complicated is it to remember to bring bread when a new table sits down???
I'm whining too much. Oxy is a powerful drug.
Happy birthday, Loretta! I hope you put the champagne to a good use.
Hiya, how was your day?
princess sehrish
Nov-8-2007 21:26
Heyy..... I just woke up so much day is starting from now....I am leaving will come after a short break lol!
for the next person: how r u doing?
Sleuth About Town
Nov-10-2007 02:47
Hello, It's about 3:45 am where I'm at, and I cannot get to sleep. So I get bored and read through boards and find something in which I'm not too happy about, not good, not good at all. I hate not being able to sleep at night, but I hate being upset and not being able to sleep. That's not a good combination. OK, I'm rambling now... Other than that, I'm here, that's all that matters :D
How are you doing?
Nov-10-2007 15:45
Well I am currently sitting at work, been a very boring day. Been here almost 9 hours and have had a total of 10 calls and two of them were from the same guy! But it's almost over and then I can catch the rest of the Ohio State Buckeyes game!
And yourself?
Charlotte Montgomery
Nov-10-2007 19:50
Working on chapter 15 of my epic novel :D
I'm kidding of course...it's a bunch of words that I would LIKE to add meaning to but it isn't coming. However, I do have a piece of garbage of a story that is up to chapter 15....it's a mystery story for all you sleuthers :D
ctown28 made my day by being so nice to me today, he knows. (Ok, so I get happy too easy)
I let Sarah Jean, this new girl I met in chat read my story and she raved about which made my day too...this was the best day for messages.
Thursday I was rather down, because I got insulted but what can you do?
So the next sleuther? How was your day?
princess sehrish
Nov-11-2007 01:38
My day is going great....I have solved 2 cases and 2 are left!
for the nxt person:what do u do?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Nov-11-2007 08:19
Well, what I do today seems to be rip a toenail off (ow) and get covered in paint. And I still need to try and get the red wine stain out of the carpet. But we're going to the cinema instead - anyone seen Stardust?
princess sehrish
Nov-26-2007 23:55
yes I saw that but only on national geographic channel
next person: how ru today