Rating System for Intros?
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-26-2007 12:49
What does everyone think about the idea of being able to rate intros on cases?
The reason I ask is that I generally don't bother to read intros... it's hard enough to get the time to finish 12 cases a day, BUT having written a few myself, I now appreciate that people take a lot of time and effort writing them and generally get no feedback. It would be kinda cool if people would be given the chance to rate an intro they've read, and perhaps that would a) encourage more people to read one if it's been highly rated b) let the writer know when they've hit on something, or are firing blanks.
I guess added to this, maybe it would be worth considering a comments section that would be sent to the author's Slueth Mail.
Maybe you could have a league table for intros, with highest rated etc. to give some kudos to the people who have spent so much time and effort on their intros? I may also help inprove the quality of the writing, I know I've rattled out a few recently of varying quality by my own admission, but maybe I would be more inclinded to spend more time on them if I knew I was going to be rated on it.
Replies |
Pinball Amateur
Aug-26-2007 12:56
Interesting idea, Brasco. I like it! ;-)
Aug-26-2007 13:53
Not a bad idea. Never to uspet to get feedback. Raises an interesting point though, I try and write some long, some short, some cheery, some dark... try to make some that will appeal to all. It's good advice for all those who write a lot. Keeps the writing interesting.
Aug-26-2007 18:53
I can say that people have PM'd me with feedback a couple of times. I think I would rather have a PM from someone saying "I had some issues with your intro" than an anonymous rating that could - like any other anonymous rating system - turn into a popularity contest (Hey! Another intro by that person I hate! I'll rate it low! --or-- Hey! Another intro by my good buddy! It sucks, but I'll rate it high for my friend!).
Brasco, and other authors, should remember that regardless of whether or not you're going to be rated on your work, you're writing for an audience. You should always be inclined to spend more time on your work if you think it needs it (and sometimes, even if you don't think so).
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-27-2007 04:24
Well to pick up on your points Anikka, what you seem to be saying is getting feedback is good, and having an audience is important. Right?
It's precisely because I write for an audience that I'm trying to encourage readership and feedback. You said you would prefer recieving an PM, well like I said, you can link the ratings to the Slueth Mail system so a comment could be recieved as well. It's more a case of trying to encourage feedback than worrying too much about the rating. BUT ratings are quick and easy for people to use, so you are more likely to receive a rating than an insightful comment.
I wrote my first intro less than a fortnight ago and like with most things there is a learning curve. If you get feedback, it helps you get things right and widens your perspective.
It's easy to say you should spend more time on your work if you think you need it, and sometimes even when you don't... but that begs the question how do you ever know when you are finished? When have you spent enough time on it? I think this is part of my point. It's also possible to spend too much time on something, if the audience doesn't appreciate it! ;)
Is the popularity of the author of much concern? Ok, we all have friends on the game and I would be more generous with my friends ratings than someone I'd never heard of, but if I was really impressed with someones writing, it wouldn't stop me giving top ratings to them just because I hadn't heard of them. Over time and as the votes mount up, the true value of the writing would be reflected.
There are solutions to malicious ratings too... the ability to turn off ratings & ratings that aren't anonymous are two off the top of my head. Also, and "Average rating given" score for people might discourage unduly harsh rating... there's ways and means around these things should they become problematic, anyway.
Aug-27-2007 07:44
As another interim suggestion you can always contact otehr writers and ask them honest feedback on intros.
Reese Withers
Aug-28-2007 07:31
I agree with Annika. If people want to give their opinion, they can PM them. I also think have a rating system would make it too gamish, and as was said, it would turn into a popularity contest. Just my opinion. :)
By the way, when I say gamish...I know this is a game but, its a role playing game, and atmosphere here is realistic...any rating system on this, would make it like the GAME games on the internet. If that makes sense lol :)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-28-2007 07:35
I agree with Anikka, after all she is an Editor!!!
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-29-2007 05:21
Oh come on Jas! That's pretty patronising you know.
There are some fair comments by Anikka, but i'm sure she's saying it from her point of view, not because she has extra knowledge on the matter down to being an Editor on the game.
@ Reese. I kinda understand what you mean. But you tend to find ratings are used often on non-game websites.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-29-2007 06:50
I sai dit because as an editor I'm sure she knows what will work and what will not.
I support her 100%
Reese Withers
Aug-29-2007 12:16
Understand, but still..if people find it necessary to RATE intros, they can PM them. Ratings are just popularity contests, and in my opinion, it would take away from the realistic atmosphere of this game. Personally, I could care less how my intro would be rated if I made one. they are all great to me.....and all Im focusing on any way, is solving the dang thing, not how good it is. lol :) Guess we're all different on what we look at.