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A new feature for Agencies..
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Tana Danat
Tana Danat
Freedom Fighter

Aug-24-2007 23:24

As agencies we have fun with Treasure Hunts and fame gathering and all of that.
But shouldn't agencies have a bit more of a true rivalry going?
I mean your agency is taking food off of my table by completing that Treasure Hunt, etc.
So a few of us have been batting around these ideas and want to get some feedback on them...

options include:
safecracking the agency
pickpocketing keys from THs
burning case files
stealing trophies (would get fame for that)

Your current agencies fame would decide the successes or failures of these attempts etc and more rules could be added, but what do you all think?

T. Danat


Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Aug-25-2007 01:40

Those ideas fit better on City of villains than here.
Seriously, I feel bad enough if my agency gets close to the treasure and then suddenly someone else has it!
The idea that one could get all keys but two and then someone STEALS our hard-earned keys?!?

No. Just no.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2007 05:20

Really not keen. I'm with Jay - sounds like it would just cause aggro and unpleasantness.

Especially the idea that the success of robberies etc would be decided by the number of fame points the agency has. Sounds like that would mean that the bigger agencies would be able to pick on whoever they liked, and the smaller ones would find it even harder to progress because the big guys were nicking their stuff.

woggle woggs
woggle woggs

Aug-25-2007 09:10

I think people are taking this the wrong way. I strongly doubt Tana was really serious about this as he isn't that kind of person. I for one wouldn't want someone who truly endorses these ideas in my agency, as we tend to share some very expensive gear even at the agent level, and it would naturally be difficult to trust someone with these views. I think this was meant more to be more of a silly "wouldn't it be kind of funny if... but thank god it isn't" post. I have to admit it cracked me up when I was told of this idea. A casual glance at some of our agency members will reveal we are quite a silly, quirky bunch, and I believe Tana is no exception.

Tana Danat
Tana Danat
Freedom Fighter

Aug-25-2007 10:05

So you mean to say my ideas about wanting to break someones legs for giving me the same useless clue is out?

Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2007 10:35

Ha! Sounds like you're on an AV hunt :P

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Aug-25-2007 11:28

I would say that stealing another agencies trophy is a bad idea. Agencies work hard, and sometimes long hours, to get their treausres. For someone to just have the option to steal it from another and get fame points is just wrong. No matter how big or small the agency might be, its hard work and dedication, a little bit of luck, and a lot of communication between members that won them the trophy. It shouldnt be stolen and then rewarded with fame points to another agency.

That's my two cents worth ;)

David Adams
David Adams

Aug-25-2007 14:06

You boys've been talkin' to James Wayne II, haven't you....Well, I'll tell you the same basic thing I told him. People get a bit, um, cranky, around here, when rogue detectives try and do unscrupulous things like steal things from agencies, sabotage the community, and generally make a pain of themselves. Now, we all know you boys are the salt of the earth who'd never even THINK of doing such wicked, horrendous things to your fellow Sleuth detectives. But all the same, you might wanna come up with some new veins of conversational topics, such as when those darned Braves will win the Pennant, who makes the best hoagies, and wow, that leggy blonde sure is a looker.

As for Mr. Woggs, you might wanna start cuttin' their cigarette breaks down to ten minutes, and find some more cases for them to work on. Sounds to me like they've got just a tad too much time on their hands....

Jay Rain
Jay Rain

Aug-25-2007 18:32

^ And that's why we are all Sleuths, out to catch them unscrupulous criminals. =)
Well said on the last paragraph. =)

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