Oct-21-2004 16:34
OK Shady prices are no big deal, just a little saving. Until, you get very high experienced.
A long time ago I stopped guessing. But I am an idiot sometimes mistakingly accuse wrong. Most, if not ALL of the time, it is because I think I already went through all evidence but didn't.
I usually try to keep double the shady money in my account. But once I have paid off Shady, it takes weeks and weeks for me to get at double the money status again. And I also would like to give some cash to my agency.
This is because, there are no games beyond earning $1040 (or was it 1070?), or $4800 for a favour case alternatively.
I currently have to pay Shady well over 400K. And this is not getting any easier.
I was wondering what the opinions are of other high experienced players now?
1. Should there be a limit to shady?
2. Should Shady be adjusted after a certain amount of experience, ie the costs advance less fast.
3. Should there be any alternatives to getting rid of falses? If so what?
4. Should it stay as is?