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Useless Facts I know or Just Found Out.
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Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-29-2007 10:10

In 1998, researchers found a new mosquito species in the London Underground, descended from ancestors that flew in when the tunnels were dug 100 years ago. Once bird-feeders, they now feast on a menu of rats, mice, and people.

They rarely interbreed with their aboveground colleagues. Their DNA actually varies from one subway line to another.


Ben Jennings
Ben Jennings

Jan-6-2008 09:46

The first purpose built tattoo machine was patented in 1891 by Samuel Reilly.

I am the king of useless information.

Old Shoe

Jan-31-2008 23:35

Kinda gross, if, say, you're a sushi chef (because, ugh, what's grosser than having your nice clean cutting board turned into the fertility clinic of the seas?) - but also kinda promising -if, say, you're pretty sure your babydaddy is a starfish but you can't remember how many starfish you hooked up with 9 months ago. S'what you get for living on a reef.

Healthy adult mice have a vertical leap as high as 45 centimetres. That's pretty impressive. However, all things are relative, and fleas can jump as far as 13 inches, which is approximately 200 times the length of their own bodies.

This has been your daily lesson in vermin bouncing.

Old Shoe

Feb-1-2008 22:54

Yup. And I have the rat-hair and blue-cheese scented fingertips to prove it.

The bulimia rate in rats is startlingly high. At least in my garage...

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Feb-4-2008 08:23

When teenagers like me finish research projects early, they sleuth.

*Hick voice* Crunch, y'all spell centimeters funny up yonder where you is! Huh-yuck!

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