The nancy Drew movie
Jul-25-2007 09:16
How do you feel about the nancy drew movie coming out soon?
In a way i think its making fun of nancy drew. But i want to know other peoples oppinions.
Replies |
Nov-6-2007 20:05
I'm afraid to watch it. I love Nancy Drew and I know it'll be completely ruined.
Old Shoe
Nov-6-2007 23:26
*old guy who reminisces too much and ends up talking about onions and the war voice*
Roxette, that's what my parents told me about Revenge of the Nerds. Liars.
Hoo boy, did I ever tell you about the time that me and Brady Collins grew the biggest onion the county had ever seen? No? Okay, settle in. Now Brady's father ran the general store (his name was Tom, and I do believe there's one of those newfangled "cocktails" named after him. I can't be sure though, because I haven't seen a drop of liquor since that time when your dad needed to find me an extra pair of pants before we could get to carving the Christmas goose. You were little then, but you might remember.)
Anyways, what was I saying? Hoo-boy! So, it happened that Brady's father ran the general store, and they always had the biggest onions. Blue ribbon onions, he called them, on account of the fact they always won the blue ribbon. Never a moustache on a single one! Goddammit, I'll leave this country before I eat one of them Hitler onions!
Did you kids know that Hitler and Eva Braun BOTH ate a spoonful of onion to make the suicide pills go down? It's true. My friend Brady told me so. We were in the war together, and let me tell you, could he dig a foxhole! We spent a whole night in one together! Don't let the name fool you though - there weren't any foxes. Just onions. And holes. From where the onions were. After we ate 'em.
Anyways, what was I saying? Oh right. Hoo-boy!
So Brady got to thinking he was fixin' to outdo his old man. He'd been going on and on about something called an eat-a-puss complex and whining about how Vienna actually produced some bright guys, at the time. I recall something about some guy named Frood or Fraud or Some such thing. Hoo-boy! And Brady was a smart one too! There was this secret syrup the government college boys were giving us that was supposed to make us bigger, like some kind of super soldiers. And it worked too! Except below the belt.
Old Shoe
Nov-6-2007 23:40
Down there, we were all tiny land shriveled up like a ragtag bunch of scared turtles. That's why you don't have any aunties or uncles.
Anyways, so Brady got it into his head that this stuff was the mojo gorw juice. He told me about it one night in a foxhole. He was the best foxhole man in Europe, at the time, too.
What was I saying? Oh right. So your grandmother - she married me for the money. I don't think she ever loved me. I think she loved the *idea* of me, but not me, like as a person.
What? Oh, right. So one day, Brady convinced the nurse to give him his shot in his mouth. He told me all about it in a foxhole in Korea one time. She was a simple girl, I think from one of those places they call "Red States" now, and she didn't know better, so she did it. Well let me tell you, ol' Brady spat that shot into his canteen, and never had another drink of water from it until we got home, safe and sound. He kept it, and dumped it on the very onion patch that had been his father's pride and joy for so many years, and lo and behold, he was a war hero and an onion hero all at the same time! There were TWO tickertape parades for him, but we weren't expecting that, so for the second parade we had to throw feathers. The town was so proud, we didn't care. I still have a stiff neck from pulling all the feathers out of my pillow that night.
Hoo-boy! The moral of the story? Hoo-boy!
That nurse was named 'Nancy Drew'. Don't see the movie Tara-Marie. Be strong.
Old Shoe
Nov-7-2007 02:32
I think that sets a record for the longest crunchism ever!
Nov-7-2007 13:16
Wow, crunch just set a new record
Nov-7-2007 13:19
It might also set a record for the weirdest crunchism ever... Hoo-boy!
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