Other choices for free sleuth's
Jun-6-2007 11:37
what other choices does the free sleuth's have except the normal one
the director or who runs this game wont put more for free sleuth's?
cause really u cant do almost nothing like this no treasure hunt no villain's hunt nothing and tht is to sad
and not even a transfer to other city
i dont think tht is fair
can u guys change something in the game?
best regards
Replies |
miss guided
Jun-6-2007 11:44
Its 'so sad' to think you have not considered the overheads of running a game like this.
The subscription is a small price to pay to keep this game running.
Cant have everything for free ya know.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jun-6-2007 11:46
Harhoora this argument has cropped up before and the response is always the same.
Why should those who dont pay for the site get the same content as those who do pay the premium?
Simple answer is they shouldn't as that would be extremely unfair. And to be honest unsubs get an awful lot for nothing in this game, much more than many other game sites around. (4 cases, collect certain books, improving standings with factions, favours, different themes plus other stuff i'm sure i missed.)
Normally the next response we get then is well just make it all free so no one has to subscribe. Unfortunately it costs real money to run this site and the creators barely break even as it is so that option isn't feesible either.
Finally it is extremely cheap to subscribe on here so why not give it ago?
Lucky Stiff
Jun-6-2007 12:51
its like deja vu! :)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-6-2007 14:47
Life isnt fair. Neither is the games we play. People who use their money to pay for premium content, get what the pay for. People who dont, get the bare minimum. You freebies actually get a lot more than most games do!
Jun-6-2007 19:13
I keep seeing a lot of complaints about how subscribing costs money and that's unfair...et cetera. I have a couple of points to add to this argument...
a) Do you realize how affordable Sleuth is? When I was debating subscribing I thought of it like this, depending on how long you subscribe for, the price per month works out to range from an expensive cup of coffee to a matinée at a movie. (This is American dollars.) And because you get so much for subscribing it essentially a lot of fun for a very nominal amount of money when you consider cost/day.
b) I think it is more than fair, (sorry to contradict you Lady Jas), that there is a fee because it costs money to host this website. And while it may, (or may not be), a labor of love for the creators of the game why should they have to shell out a lot of money for us? If they wanted to they could make this a private game and share it with a few people they like and still really enjoy it. However they share it with everyone with an internet connection and don't give a free trial period, (it's always free for non subscribers), or try to scam you into subscribing. I see it more like them being able to offer more if we help offset the cost by subscribing.
c) And finally, what's up with this sense of entitlement? (This is response to a lot of belly-aching I've seen regarding the cost, HarHoora's post wasn't that bad.)
(I hope that last comment wasn't out of line.)
Jun-6-2007 19:38
I don't think it was out of line, I agree with the last one, my generation seem to have a really strange sense of entitlement to things. People seem to think they should be able to download music and movies for free. (I disagree with that) So Its not just Sleuth that people seem to believe should be theirs.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-6-2007 20:51
You actually didn't contradict me Sunniva! I was making a point that life isnt always fair, and you proved my point. The bottom line is the people who come on here and complain about needing more "free" stuff, are just freeloading and wanting everything there is for nothing. That's not how it works around here, or in real life either.
Jun-6-2007 23:57
Just one point to make to "Haroora", this is the only online game I subscribe to, the cost is very low, don't buy the latest movie or CD and you've got a 3 month subscription. And the payment is well worth it, the subscribed game is excellant.
Old Shoe
Jun-7-2007 02:01
Stooby has a point, just don't buy that cup of cofee or chocolate bar or what ever and pretty soon you'll have a 3 month subscription.
Jun-7-2007 02:24
Another point is that this game remains free for ever if you're content to remain with everything that is available for unsubbed sleuths. Most games I've come across give you either an hour of play time or 30 days and then there's no way you can download again or play any more until you buy the game.
Bearing this in mind then the free version of sleuth is fantastic!!!