You be the judge, was I robbed???
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer
May-6-2007 17:10
When you suscribe, you can save money and start an agency... You can get the gear you want, the equipment you want, even the players you want to make it your own. If your suscribtion runs out, you can still stay there and use your equipment, your message board, and most of the perks of being in an agency.
If you save money and buy some tough gear, it's nice, it fits your detective just right. It's nice that you have invested in something good. Now if your suscribtion runs out, you still have the gear... No one comes over to you and says, sorry buddy but even though you paid for that, you can't use it anymore...
Well, I got the shock of a lifetime today. My suscribtion ran out today and I logged in as usual to go and see my message board in my appartment to see that I'm not allowed to go in as i'm not subed anymore...Now i've invested over a million dollars in my place to make it my own, unique style. It fits my detective to a tee. To make it worst, I have numerous items stored in my appartment worth a lot of money. The issue is not the resubing, as I'm planning to resub shortly but I feel that I was robbed here. I could have understood having my case file blocked like an agency but no access???
I can't help to feel like this is a double standard. It's ok if you do that with an agency but not with an appartment...I already have my answer from the Admin but frankly, i'm really disapointed in his response... I guess i could'nt keep this inside and needed to put it out there to see what the community thought.
Thanks for listening,
Replies |
May-9-2007 05:09
Has anyone else noticed that the Sleuth Gods have been very nice lately? We whine about "accidentaly" retiring our detective and BOOM... we get a nifty new feature to resurrect our detective, we whine about clicking and opening featured mysteries when we dont want to and BOOM... we get a nifty little button asking us if we want to do that, we whine about not accessing a subscriber only feature when we are not subscribed and BOOM.... we can access it.
Is anyone else thinking we should take advantage of this while we can? :-)
I see ponies, and stables and something to spend our wasted skill points on in the near future! he he he
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
May-9-2007 06:29
One-horse trailer - 10 skill points
Lean-to horse shelter - 8 skill points
Deluxe riding stables - 40 skill points
Riding your Sleuth-pony uninhibited - Priceless
Detective Matteo
May-9-2007 07:00
Ben this is MORE than i could hope.. thank to you and Sunny..
I think it will be fair that not subbed's apartment should pay a little rent too
Lucky Stiff
May-9-2007 07:07
One FA cleared: 91 skill points? :)
Safety Officer
May-9-2007 07:19
*coughs* "key to the gate".
May-9-2007 07:53
Twelve skill points would be enough for me....
Carrie Mehome
May-9-2007 10:36
hehehehe....gate key please :) Thank you Sleuth Gods!
Lady of Shadows
May-9-2007 11:51
While we're on the subject, I'd just like to remind everyone to familiarize themselves with this little paragraph below. I'm sure all of you who have subscribed before or have read the Subscription FAQ, have committed this to memory, but I’ll just post it here for a refresher:
Sleuth is an evolving game. When you purchase a subscription, you get the right to enjoy future updates throughout the length of your subscription. You also agree to abide by the rules of the game and accept any future rule changes enacted by Hypothetical Software.
I also want to point out that although we do have our personal favorite subbed and unsubbed detectives (yes, I’m talking about you), don’t expect that we will ever create some sort of complicated many-tiered system where we show favor based on some arbitrary formula of how many days your detective has been around or how long you have been subscribed divided by how many times you’ve been to visit Shady, multiplied by your how many times you’ve let your subscription lapse.
No, as Ben stated before, our primary responsibility lies with our paying subscribers (whether they are 2 days old or 2,000 days old). However, we don’t disvalue unsubscribed players. In fact, there are many unsubbed players and players who stick around for a long while before becoming subscribed (Dark Raven, Reda, etc.), who are very valuable to the community.
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer
May-9-2007 13:02
Ben and Sunny, I would like to thank you for listening to my concerns and for your decision.
Dark Raven.
Battered Shoe
May-10-2007 18:29
**hopes Raven doesn't notice minor damage to his apartment due to slight...er...mishap with jackhammer**