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Friday's Update
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-30-2004 11:17

I posted an update today. There are a bunch of little tweaks included and typos fixed. Some of the bigger changes:

* Fixed Double Father Bug in Random Mysteries
* Added two levels of difficulty
* Favors now go up to Incredibly Hard level for experienced players
* A bunch of new favor items were added
* Detectives are now automatically booted from agencies if they become retired
* High scores are now divided by detective age
* Fixed duplicate contact bug
* You are now allowed to use the detective shop while working on a case
* Session timeout from inactivity increased from 5 minutes to 15

Please post any comments or bugs specific to this update here.



Apr-30-2004 19:02

This wasnt in a favor. I had a regular case, 2 suspects (client/other), other clammed up.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-30-2004 19:59

What level of difficulty are you playing?

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

Apr-30-2004 20:58

Shane, I experienced a bit of a wall where I thought I was stuck in a perpetual spot where one level was too easy to add skills and the next too hard to solve. This happened to me because I made a couple mistakes in selecting my skills early on. Just keep with it at the level you can solve. A little patience and some carefully selected skill purchases for your next one or two and you'll be right back on track.


Apr-30-2004 23:39

Im playing at Hard level, which is where I feel I should be (I guess not though). I had a whole string of walls like that, but the last couple of cases seem to be a tad more personable. Im going to take Fat Chuck's advice, and see if it still happens to me within the next day or so.

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

May-1-2004 01:22

I love the additional pictures of suspects. Cool, because they look archaic.


May-1-2004 08:21

I noticed that Shane is 7 days put things into perspective for myself, I tried to remember what I was doing after seven days, and seem to think I took advancing up the levels considerably more slowly. "Giving it another day" (just one) seems a considerably short time to me as well. Maybe just a little more patience is what's needed here, not changes in the game?

If my only suspect kept clamming up, I would take that as a sign that I was playing a level too hard - think that the fault was with me, not with the game. I guess that's just my approach to things, though.

Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man

May-1-2004 13:42

My learning curve is starting to fade nicely. I have a good number of skills under my belt - enough to get me by on Hard and Really Hard cases - but it is going to take me a long, long time to get all the skills I want/need, let alone ALL the skills. And thats exactly what I want!

If you think about it, you don't want to get your skill points too quickly. If you racked them up as quickly as you did when you were a rookie, then you'd have the full set in a week or two and the game would be more boring more quickly.

As it stands, it will be a month before I have all the skills I want. [And even then there will be more to learn, more XP to gain, more treasures to hunt, fun cases to solve, friends to help out, etc etc etc.. tons of replayability here.]


Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-1-2004 13:51

By the way. I am working on adding a few new skills. The trick is to do so without disrupting balance too much.


May-1-2004 15:05

It happens to me alot too Shane. All I can tell you is tough it out until you can afford more charm skills - It's frustrating, but it seems to be our only option.


May-1-2004 15:20

Im thinking I just hit a bad patch. I changed my tactics a litte, and its been all good so far. If I hit it again, I'll drop myself back down a level.

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