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Sara Lou
Sara Lou

May-1-2007 12:35

Here we go again. I had just arrived at the cracker jack box apartment I call home when my seriously out of date phone rang. Answering, I found it was my old friend Snaps, whose favorite job was to divulge secrets.

"I hear there are people hitting on/for you; and I don't mean looking for love."

With that she hung up, leaving me to wonder what she meant.


Larina Rhodes
Larina Rhodes

May-14-2007 09:31

The door to the apartment in front of me opened and a disrevelled man with blood shot eyes answered the door. He was my age, maybe a few years older. His dark hair tousled and falling in to his eyes.

"May I help you?" he asked looking me up and down.

I raised an eyebrow before responding at his dismissive attitude.

"Mr Spencer?" The man nodded, folding his arms over his chest and peering at me suspicious.

"I'm Larina Rhodes, a private detective, I heard about what happened to your sister."

Spencer blinked at me and bowed his head, before looking off into the distance.

"I think she mentioned you a few times, you want to come in?"

I gave him a sympathetic smile before replying.

"I'm fine really, I just... wanted to pay my condolences. We're investigating the case as throughly as we can but it will take time."

Spencer gave me a grim nod, before disappearing behind the door and returning a few minutes later.

"These are the files she had on her of the time of her murder, maybe these can give you a clue of why someone would want to harm her."

"Thanks." I muttered, saying our goodbyes I decided to flick through the wad of paper he'd handed to me in the lift. There was too much here for me to sift through alone, so I decided wen I returned to the office to give Sara a call.

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

May-14-2007 11:01

Ugh. Paperwork. Just what I don't want.

I sifted through the papers Larina had left. Snaps had been drunk when she arrived and she was still quite drunk when she left, though she had called me a "evil two-faced, lizard lickin, boyfriend stealing boozer" before she left.

I needed to take care of the papers and then look for Snaps...

Larina Rhodes
Larina Rhodes

May-15-2007 04:53

My feet were on my desk and I was leaning back in my chair sifting through the stack of files that Spencer had given me.

Spencer's sister Katherine had been a lawyer. SHe was a damn good one too, her conviction rate was high up there. We'd met a few times and worked together on putting some of my suspects behind bars. She'd been a lovable woman who was a constant visitor to the children's hospital near by. She always gave to charity and was the classic version of the Good Samaritian.

That's probably how they'd lured her down that alley. Katherine, as far as they could tell had been on the way home when she was stabbed to death in an alley behind the restraunt Chez Fromage. I had yet to visit the crime scene.

A few hours later, I rubbed my tired eyes before picking up the phone and calling Sara.

"Hey it's me, Larina...You fancy getting out of here and getting a bite to eat, maybe check out a crime scene?"

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Jan-16-2008 12:06

"Good god Almighty, Larina. I'm still looking at those papers. I can't eat now. You think we could do it tomorrow, or is it something that can't wait?"

I listened.

"Well I just got back from a looong vacation, so I suppose. See you at seven...?"

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