General Feedback
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-22-2004 20:32
I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.
1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?
Replies |
Nov-4-2004 23:57
This is not a charity project. All subsribers WORKED very hard to get their money too. Who's gonna if there is no difference between subsribers and non-subsribers. You mentioned the game is "great". Well, obviously this "great" game is not even worth US$4 to you.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-5-2004 09:20
Although Devlin is correct in the reasons, I think his tone was a little harsh.
I'm very happy to have non paying subscribers around to play. Having a big diverse community of players is a great thing for the game, and there are lots of people who have stuck around for many months, playing their three mysteries a day and contributing to the growth of Sleuth.
However, running Sleuth is expensive. Close to a thousand people a day play the game for an average of 20 minutes. That's a considerable amount of traffic. Providing adequate bandwidth, and hardware to handle all that traffic has not been cheap. The time I spend working on the game is essentially donated, but other than that, Sleuth needs to pay it's own way, and subscription fees make up the vast majority of the money that Sleuth brings in.
Nov-5-2004 10:30
My apologies. yes, it did "sound" harsh, now that i read it. the problem with text is we can't really tell the tone. :) It was not meant to be offensive to anyone. Sorry again.
Nov-5-2004 16:28
Ben, I'm shocked.
Twenty minutes????
Is that possible?
I mean, I know what I'm contributing to the average...
I guess it's like the average stay in Yellowstone Park being a mere day.
Nov-5-2004 18:43
I figured that he has 1000 people playing 20 minutes. He has 20 people playing a thousand minutes. You do the math, and figure out what group you are in. I know which one I'm in ;-)
Nov-6-2004 00:37
Guess which one I am in!
Nov-7-2004 11:56
First let me say Thank you for the time you have taken to put together an excellent website. The game is very enjoyable, and as many have pointed out repeatedly, addictive! After only 2 days on the free side, I knew that I would need to subscribe, and did so. I am actively recruiting new dectives. The message boards are active and very helpful. The members are more than patient and knoweldgable; always eager to help the "newbies".
With that said, one thing that I find lacking as a "newbie", and would find quite helpful might be some sort of stats and bio on the agencies. Something that would allow those who may be considering or looking for an agency to get an idea of what the indiviual agencies are about. Which ones are very serious about their sleuthing vs. those that are more interested in the social aspect of the game. What each agency looks for in its members as far as time and financial obligations. I have gathered that these vary, sometimes drastically, by reading the message boards. Maybe even supply some similar stats as are available for the dectives.
Perhaps I have just overlooked such a feature. It could be that this would be more work than it would be a benefit. At any rate, that is my 2 cents worth.
Thanks again for all that you have provided here.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-8-2004 11:18
Agency Directors can write a description on their agency information page. Perhaps directors should be encouraged to include information about how competitive the agency is, and what kind of agents they are looking for? Or should I provide something a little more structured?
s. d'nalli
Nov-8-2004 15:16
the game is very fun.
i only have one question/suggestion, on some cases the evidence will show footprints and hair, i have the skills to determine if the footprint is from a heavy/slim person and if the hair is straight or curly but the game will only give me one or the other not both clues.
if i got all the info from all my skills that would be great.
Nov-8-2004 18:11
s. d'nalli
This is a matter of luck and the smarts gear you are wearing. Imagine in real life, you might have the skills but not be lucky enough or have the right equipment to find all the evidence, either...