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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Apr-29-2004 23:21

i would like to see a way to subscribe without using pay pal. also that option if it could have a way to pay in aussie dollars

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-29-2004 23:26


What method would you suggest?


Apr-30-2004 01:12

like any option aslong as you dont need a credit card or something like that. maybe postal orders if you guys have that in the us. i doubt you would want to give your address out but some kind of postage form would also be better

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-30-2004 07:20

My address is listed on the subscription page now.


May-1-2004 01:35

little problem with the favours thing. so far i've done 3 of them and each time the same reward a grey umbrella can you change the system around a bit to make it abit more random.


Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-1-2004 10:54


You are just getting unlucky. I just ran a query on the database and the grey umbrella is no more likely to come up than any of the other items in that pool. The pool of possible prizes is determined by the level of difficulty of the favors you are finishing, so once your favors become harder, you will be guaranteed not to see anymore grey umbrellas come up.

Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man

May-1-2004 13:37

You know the buttons at the top that take you to the map, casefile, agent profile, city hall and crime scene? Would it be possible to toss up one that takes you to your Detective Agency, rather than getting there via your profile or the map?

... Yes, I'm that lazy. Quit staring.


Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-1-2004 13:52

Yep, I could add an agency button to the toolbar. I need ideas for icons though.

Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man

May-1-2004 15:23

Icons, eh? Would a simple picture of a house/office, or a magnifying glass? Those are all pretty generic. I'd suggest a "hat on a coat rack" but that would be really hard to cram into one little icon. Maybe if you just showed the top or something. As I said in our agency message board - home is where you hang your fedora.

Oh, another suggestion/question.. will it ever be possible to cancel or lose a contact somehow? Perhaps as a Charm skill you could allow a third contact, or the ability to swap out an existing contact? That would be neat. ^_^



May-1-2004 21:39

how about a mailbox sort of thing, for private messages. that way noobies wouldnt have to stumble around with their pop-up blockers and you could save important messages and notifications. would that be too hard to execute?

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