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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?



James Hunter
James Hunter

Aug-3-2004 10:56

I think you should be able to join Detective Agencies if you are NOT subscribed, but you can only create them if you are.


Aug-3-2004 11:02

I disagree. If you want to enjoy the game more, give Ben some money and spend the $4 to subscribe.

Agent Sensual
Agent Sensual

Aug-3-2004 13:39

there were times i played intermediate and i would only get like 2 or 3 suspects and then i wouldn't be able to get anymore b/c all other characters would clam up too fast, so when i go to accuse the 1 of the one's i have i'm wrong and the killer is somebody who i don't have as a there a reason for that?


Aug-3-2004 13:44

you don't have the skills necessary yet to get them all to talk. try getting either interrogation or sweet talking. you'll end up getting more suspects as your character gets better.

Agent Sensual
Agent Sensual

Aug-3-2004 17:48

ok, thanks dudgeon....i'll do that


Aug-3-2004 20:53

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
Well, the game is fun, or I wouldn't have subscribed to it. However, it's way more a capitalist, get more skill points and buy more stuff type of game than an RPG. My agency and I mostly stick with talking "in character", and the newspaper makes the game feel a little more RPG oriented, but the main problem to me, is that all the sayings of the townies, the suspects, the intros, the twists, they are all set and have little impact on the game. The story of each case is pretty boring after the first few cases. The "featured mysteries" are better about this of course, but some are so friggin long that I get bored halfway through reading a scenario/intro and just skip to the investigation faze of the case.
Also, It takes WAYYYYYY too long to get more skill points after you've earned over 25.

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
Sure, I can think of lots of things... I really think that the pictures of the suspects should match the descriptions. If they are fat, have a pic of a fat person. Don't say a person has straight hair when it's obviously curly in their picture. Have a tally of how each detectives charm/smarts/toughness tests are calculated. Instead of just saying that flirting helps your charm, show HOW it helps charm. Change up the story line sometimes. Have chilling details of the actual murder pop up in the news, or a description of someone's relationship with the victim or other suspects. Go through all of the scripts and make them appropriate for males vs. females. Spell check all of the individual pages. Make corresponding items that are obviously biased for one sex or another, such as perfume and seal skin coats, a male detective looks pretty silly with these items, but may use them for the skill point bonuses. Have way more pictures in general, of people, situations, etc.


Aug-3-2004 21:05

Basically what I'm saying is that I no longer even read the storylines, I just read what is necessary to solve the case. RPG games need to involve the player in the story, make them feel like they are in a fantasy world.

3) Is the game too hard? Sometimes it is.... like when I fist started playing, I really think there should have been a tutorial. I was kinda just stumbling around in the dark. Thank goodness my agency asked me to join them, or I probably would've just dismissed the game after a week or two. But my agency set me up with some items so that I could actually solve some cases....
And sometimes I pick a case the same level that I've been playing, with the same equipment on, and I just have bad luck all around. I hafta quit a case through no fault of my own, the game just doesnt have a built-in preventative of unsolvable cases.
So that's my opinion.


Aug-3-2004 21:05

hey tell, instead of just making suggestions, why dont you try to help out with some of them, the admin is only one man, and he still has a day job


Aug-4-2004 17:07

because he asked for suggestions, not someone to do it for him.


Aug-4-2004 17:11

Plus, I wouldn't pay for a game if I knew how to make them, now would I?
Since you are so concerned with his work load and protection from the responses that HE ASKED FOR, fonzie, why don't you help him?

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