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Safety Officer

Mar-4-2007 00:50

We all talk about game improvements we'd like to see, new items, clothes, twists mechanics etc

So I was wondering if Ben came to you and said "OK I will implement ONE thing; ONE thing that you think will improve yours (and others if you like) gaming experience on Sleuth right now."

What would it be?

[I'll make the proviso that it has to be about the 'game' and can't be about 'anyone' lol :p]

Mine is simple.

If I could have it right now, I'd ask for a better PM/Message system.


Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Oct-26-2007 01:42

On the subject of wasted skill points (of which I don't have any yet :) )

How about a "skill" that you could buy several times.

50 points - Shadys blackmail material. - Halves the price dear old Shady demands when you pay him to take away your false acussations.

Every 50 skill points... would make him a little bit more palatable. Since his prices keep going up but your income no longer does.

Rock Josie Johnson
Rock Josie Johnson

Oct-27-2007 13:41

I like that idea, Dave. I am up to over $10,000 in trying to pay stupid over there at the bar to get rid of my false accusations. I am up to two, but I will pay it someday. Somehow.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Oct-27-2007 14:03

For you level of xp, if your at over 10,000 you should have enough money to pay shady off already. I'd pay him because your running the HUGE risk of getting retired!!!

Demon of the Due Date

Dec-31-2007 20:12

OK, new idea I just thought of. There are many of us if not all who have gotten an FA because we just weren't paying attention to what we were doing while sleuthing. Be it talking on the phone, watching TV, chatting on an Instant Messenger, etc.

How about that when you click on the accuse this person link, instead of getting another link with are you sure you want to accuse this person, it's one of the pop up windows that we get when quitting a case or purchasing a new skill. Might help out some of those that get distracted, I know it can happen to even the most experienced detective but at list it would be something different than a link that we are so used to seeing.

Just a thought for discussion.



Dec-31-2007 21:20

It's a good thought, Ctown. My only issue is that once the novelty wears off, we'll get used to it and click buttons/links/choices just as brain-deadedly as some of us do now.

No, brain-deadedly is not really a word. Yes, I said it anyway. :-P

Old Shoe

Dec-31-2007 22:24

I lke the idea of a new skill - something for really advanced players that you can only get if you have all other skills for example - or a very expensive one.

Also, again for advanced players, a step up from AVs - say hunting a serial killer to include Cairo and maybe a maze (hell, why not?). With the reward being some (super) special items. It would give people another level to aim for - especially as there is a growing number of big scorers.

Evelyn Gardner
Evelyn Gardner
Sleuth About Town

Jan-1-2008 11:17

I agree with Ddog, AVH including Cairo would be great.
A new challenge!!! Of coures it could be different from regular AVH and it can be called a serial killer hunt ;)

New skills would be very good also...


Jan-1-2008 12:20

I like the idea of a higer level of favour, worth more cash reward to help pay off those FA's.

Demon of the Due Date

Aug-3-2008 12:19

Bumping this thread up due to the fact that we keep getting new threads for ideas. I thought this thread was an excellent place to post new ideas and perhaps it can come back to life! ;-)

Old Shoe

Aug-3-2008 12:56

My one thing would be a new way of working on cases, where you have everything all the time on the same page, even making it possible to increase the feeling of the speed the Sleuth Server is working at.

- and I would actually offer Ben to implement it myself.

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