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Safety Officer

Mar-4-2007 00:50

We all talk about game improvements we'd like to see, new items, clothes, twists mechanics etc

So I was wondering if Ben came to you and said "OK I will implement ONE thing; ONE thing that you think will improve yours (and others if you like) gaming experience on Sleuth right now."

What would it be?

[I'll make the proviso that it has to be about the 'game' and can't be about 'anyone' lol :p]

Mine is simple.

If I could have it right now, I'd ask for a better PM/Message system.



Mar-4-2007 14:25

It's a really little thing, but I would love for there to be numbers beside the list of suspects of the map. It would be so much easier then remembering to talk to the fortune teller when the list is 1/2 way down the waitress, etc.


Mar-4-2007 15:34

this may be too techie to count as a real sleuth wish, but the ONE thing that would improve the game for me would be a faster server.


Mar-4-2007 19:49

ok, i have been formulating this idea for a while now, and it is simmilar to that of Yoyo and Ran, but different. I would like to see the idea of chasing a criminal through their carreer, say one case a week, where you need to chase the person like in a villain hunt, and their crimes increase from break in/mugging ( easy case level), to Murder ( AI case level). Of course it woudl also be random, so that only every third of fourth time would a suspect you are chasing be guilty, making it interesting as well as giving a chase for people to participate in. Just my two cents, but i think this would make for an interesting experience, maybe not for sleuth but possibly the elusive sleuth 2?

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Mar-5-2007 14:49

I had a thought over the past few days myself...I know...AMAZING! And too lazy to read through all the posts, I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned or not.

Having recently purchased an apartment in Delhi, it would be nice that after you've completed a favour case or an AI case, and you get your reward or equipment gift, that you have the option to either deposit it into your equipment locker at the agency or into your apartment.

It's a little odd thinking that I am there in Delhi, at the doorstep to my apartment with the gift in hand, with the realization that I have to mail it out to the London agency; buy a ticket home; pick up the item; buy a ticket back to Delhi to deposit it into my apartment. The whole process is very much like the Canada Post. Expensive, annoying, and not very realistic. NOT GOOD!


Mar-5-2007 20:04

You can create a Hotel in each city, for the arch villians hunter...

in hotel you can rent itens, and file cases..or you can pay for someone in hotel dicovery a PE...

that's a good idea ...don't..


Mar-6-2007 04:03

If your standing with a faction is bad enough they could start doing something to interfere with your work.

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Mar-8-2007 06:55

How about something as simple as organizing the suspect list on the map page in alphabetical order, making it easier to go through the list and find names you are looking for...or allowing you to choose the order, such as all male suspects grouped together, or bad alibis grouped together.

Con Artist

Mar-8-2007 07:02

OMG i was just thinking that earlier. One of the things that has bugged me since i started playing however many months ago is why isn't there any order to the suspects, whether it be alphabetical or the order they are found etc etc.

I'm so forgetful so it would be handy to have some kind of suspect order.


Mar-8-2007 08:18

I was going to say that I haven't been playing long enough to really say what would be a good, single addition or change.

However, I totally agree with "fixing" the suspect order. It would be great not to have names jump around, or to be able to change them to an order of our own choosing.

Lucky Stiff

Mar-8-2007 08:57

If I could have one thing today:

Have people stop leaving or dropping dead in the middle of questioning! :)

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