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Enough is Enough
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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Feb-23-2007 22:10

I am tired of Ben not doing anything about people who lie, cheat, and steal in this game. Ben gives people to many chances. People need to be banned. How many more agencies must suffer the consequences of having rogue detectives join, take sign on bonuses, loot lockers, steal money from safe accounts, and then leave to repeat the process before the administration takes action? Chronestrian left this site for a reason, and I spoke to him shortly before he quit. I honestly told him that the site was not going to change and that people would continue to abuse the system without any fear of punishment. Enough is enough. I call upon the denizens of Slueth to support my referendum. Ben must take action against repeat offenders.



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Feb-24-2007 13:01

Yeah I just caught that. Dang.


Feb-24-2007 13:14

Okie, this is getting ridiculous now. Is asshat going to keep creating new characters and clogging up the server just to irritate everyone? How can we finally stop this because it is getting on my last nerve.

As I said before...I do not want to play with immature little kids. Take it somewhere else, PLEASE! Or maybe we should call his mommy and daddy to let them know what a little runt they have created, with they hopes that they might give him a good smackdown!! *POP*


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Feb-24-2007 13:40

I get the feeling you are gonna get modded a lot Unknown. We are a friendly bunch, but we do not tolerate liers and thieves.


Feb-24-2007 14:22

If we have to understand that you will sleuth again, Chelsea, it's finally a good new.
And don't forget that you promised a featured mystery to the whole community!!!

Lucky Stiff

Feb-24-2007 14:27

I think we could have heard the last from werber....


Fiddler's Green
Fiddler's Green

Feb-24-2007 15:47

Fiddler's Green sits at a large desk, the only light coming from a cowled oil lamp. Taking a fresh sheet of foolscap, he carefully writes the letters "W...E...R...B....E....R" using his lucky crayon. He then takes up a pair of pinking shears and cuts the letters out in a frenzy of flying fingers.

He pauses for a moment, looking down at the pretty letters. Taking a pot of paste, he reverses the letters and sticks them to a new sheet...

"REBREW !!!!", he exclaimed in triumph.

Slowly, the look of excitement drains from his face as he realises that this actually doesn't signify anything.

He gets up and wanders over to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of tea, muttering to himself...

"...worked with that blasted "Alucard" case back in '35....."

Con Artist

Feb-25-2007 23:37

I can echo the comments that say that I hate to see you get hit by someone like this Chelsea. But I also have to agree with some of the other comments on this thread as well. Joining an agency of prestige should be such an honor in the game, detectives should be fighting over the privilege.

Perhaps one problem may lie in the creation of so many pseudo-agencies. How many do we have in GSS now? Training academies and agencies in every city as each conglomeration tries for "global" domination of the game world. Maybe one of the problems is we are stretching the talent pool too thin in order to fill all of these new artificial agencies, instead of focusing on the core agencies. All of the good detectives are snapped up so quickly that agencies are now forced to look at questionable characters in order to fill their ranks.

Eh... Or maybe not. Whatever. As you can see, I'm currently unaffiliated. So please direct all hate mail straight to me. :0)

Lucky Stiff

Feb-26-2007 05:34

no hate mail from me j-ro :)

youre completely right!

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