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Fifty Words or Less...
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Feb-11-2007 16:03

For those who like to tell stories. The idea is to take a given sentence and use it as the opening to a story that you write - but your story must be fifty words or less (not including the original sentence).



Nov-17-2007 19:42

He had a vaudeville act which involved two dogs and a penguin.

Never mind that vaudeville died a hundred years ago. He was going to bring it back, that marvellous show biz way of life!

Until he found out that the penguin was having an affair with both dogs, and his agent was looking up recipes for penguin stew.

It was over.


There's never a porter around when you really need one.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Nov-22-2007 17:33

Why do people be rude?

I remember being asked this by a dutchman.

I told him, "Ruud," (for this was his name) "people are either rude or they aren't, they don't stay in a state of rudeness that is 'being rude'."

"Pedant!" He replied.


What have you done for me lately?


Nov-27-2007 10:21

What have you done for me lately?

I looked at my Mother in disbelief. She had to ask? I thought about her string of late, unlamented husbands. The police believed they had left her - she was a wonderful actress. She always hid the bruises.

And I always hid the bodies. Nobody hits my Mother!


I'd never thought this moment would come!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Dec-2-2007 10:45

I'd never thought this moment would come!

I'd always wanted fame. Now the beams of the giant searchlights were all focused on me. Crowds were screaming, and the world's press were racing to the scene. I could see Manhattan spread out below me, mine to conquer.

Pity this giant ape that was clutching me smelled so bad.


She was singing "Smoke gets in your eyes".

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Dec-5-2007 03:36

She was singing "Smoke gets in your eyes".

So, I broke into the chorus of: "And so, I'm looking at the world through rose-colered glasses!)

As King Kong clutched Cordelia...

Lucky Stiff

Dec-23-2007 05:46

As King Kong clutched Cordelia...

...he tried desperately to centre the spotlight on her, surrounded by screaming bystanders, while behind him those pesky schoolkids threw nuts at him. And he groaned inwardly, why didn't i take that transfer to miami...


The whole place smelled so bad!


Dec-24-2007 13:48

The whole place smelled so bad!

Mother has always put out such a nice holiday spread. We usually have a dinner buffet for thirty people, which includes the family, a few close friends, and whatever last minute guests happen to show up.

But Mother was on strike this year - Dad and the boys cooked. 'Nuff said!


She paced for what seemed like hours; would he ever show up?

Lucky Stiff

Dec-31-2007 20:54

She paced for what seemed like hours; would he ever show up?

She was really looking forward to her first grandchild, but the labour was taking so long! She paused and glanced at the overcast sky, the branches whipped about by the fickle wind. A storm is brewing, she thought, how fitting. She resumed her pacing, determined to wear out the soles of her shoes until the baby came, straining all the while to hear the sound of an infant cry.

Another one bites the dust!

Safety Officer

Jan-1-2008 05:01

"Another one bites the dust", Harry offered. "I fell into a burning ring of fire", Sarah suggested seriously. "Your grandmother's funeral arrangements are no joking matter" their mother snapped. "Tell them Ted." Their father growled, "Quite right, that'll be enough." Contrite and penitent they sat quietly until their mother left the room. Their father coughed, "Bat out of Hell" he whispered, and then the room was full of stifled giggles.

You know, I used to be good at this.


Jan-1-2008 15:04

"Ya know I used to be good at this, croaked the grandmother from hell, after she brushed herself off.
"I knew you people didn't like me. I just wanted to hear what you would say, unfortunately mother nature was calling". As she stomps out of the room, father, mother looked at each other with their mouths agape, "What the...?"

How ya like me now?

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