Fifty Words or Less...
Feb-11-2007 16:03
For those who like to tell stories. The idea is to take a given sentence and use it as the opening to a story that you write - but your story must be fifty words or less (not including the original sentence).
Replies |
Sleuth About Town
Oct-29-2007 15:56
It was a good day, it was a wonderful day, it was the best day.
Those were the answers I gave the cops about her.
It was a good day when we met and a wonderful day when she said, "Yes."
But it was the best day when she left, with the murderer.
I can now get paid to kill two birds with one stone.
And what kind of man are you, at all, that doesn't believe in the little people?
Safety Officer
Oct-30-2007 15:29
And what kind of man are you, at all, that doesn't believe in the little people?
"I aint no man shhhhugar", Ivy slurred. "And, if I were you I’d move my asshhh bef…” But it was all too late.
"Hello Betshhhy", Ivy sighed, as she slung an arm around the pink elephant and tried to ignore the green stain on the pavement where the leprechaun had been.
I thought we were bobbing for apples?
Sleuth About Town
Nov-15-2007 21:53
I thought we were bobbing for apples?
Whatever happened to that? We used to have fun doing those things as a child. I guess we grew up. Whatever happened to just being silly?
The times of childhood on Halloween have come and gone. Now it's time to move on. The memories have faded in and out.
As we get older, we remember....
Demon of the Due Date
Nov-16-2007 12:35
As we get older, we remember....
All the mistakes that we made in life. We try to teach the younger generation to not make the same mistakes and to live life to it's fullest.
Youth is wasted on the young!
Oh to be young and carefree again.
Nov-16-2007 21:08
Oh to be young and carefree ............
is like being in heaven you are just as flexible and love the world.With crushes and all or something.
Don't people hate somethings ever.
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Nov-17-2007 01:33
Don't people hate some things ever?
Boy, isn't that philosophical!
Everyone hates something, whether it's taxes, the president, a neighbor, or the look of your butt.
Yeah, well, hate the look of your butt, too...
Yes, that dress DOES make you look fat! :-)
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Nov-17-2007 11:26
Yes, that dress DOES make you look fat!
The whole shop froze. Never mind a pin, you could have heard dust drop.
The girl was shaking, fists clenched. “And your perfume makes you smell like a prostitute, and daddy thinks so too, and I’ll never ever let him marry you!”
She burst into tears and ran out.
He had a vaudeville act which involved two dogs and a penguin.
Nov-17-2007 19:42
He had a vaudeville act which involved two dogs and a penguin.
Never mind that vaudeville died a hundred years ago. He was going to bring it back, that marvellous show biz way of life!
Until he found out that the penguin was having an affair with both dogs, and his agent was looking up recipes for penguin stew.
It was over.
There's never a porter around when you really need one.
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Nov-22-2007 17:33
Why do people be rude?
I remember being asked this by a dutchman.
I told him, "Ruud," (for this was his name) "people are either rude or they aren't, they don't stay in a state of rudeness that is 'being rude'."
"Pedant!" He replied.
What have you done for me lately?
Nov-27-2007 10:21
What have you done for me lately?
I looked at my Mother in disbelief. She had to ask? I thought about her string of late, unlamented husbands. The police believed they had left her - she was a wonderful actress. She always hid the bruises.
And I always hid the bodies. Nobody hits my Mother!
I'd never thought this moment would come!