Sleuth cat friends
Feb-2-2007 16:20
I always had a thing for cats. I guess it all started in the days I had my imaginary pet firned named Fluffy. Or did I just imagine that I imagined that? :-)))
Anyway, over the span of years I had numerous cats. Mostly from people who wouldn't/couldn't sterilize their cats and periodically were confronted with the trumendous task of looking for volunteers to adopt the newly born kittens.
Other cat lovers here at Sleuthville who want to share their cat experiences here at the boards?
Right now I'm "catless" so I fear Fluffy can show up any day now..... :-))
Replies |
Feb-11-2007 12:51
When I was around the age of 10 (about 13 years ago) my family moved into a house on a cul-de-sac. Under the house there lived a grey and white striped pregnant cat who I named Shadow. Shadow had a litter of about 5 or 6. We kept all of these kittens and I named them. Then Shadow got knocked up again and had another litter of kittens. A week or two later, a kitten from the first litter had kittens as well. As you can imagine, there were loads of kittens. I remember having 17 cats and kittens at one time (all outside, mind you). I can't even recall all their names or what order they came in. Then my family moved to a larger neighborhood and most of the cats got stolen or run over. One was killed by a dog (which got owned by the mama cat). :(
I haven't had a cat for about 10 years now.
How 'bout them apples? :)
Assistant Postman
Feb-11-2007 14:48
I have a cat named George. She lives at my parents house. And no, she's not named after the Nancy Drew character. She's black and white. The stupid neighbor kid ruined her. He taunted her and threw things at her and pulled her tail. Now she hates everyone. But me and my dad. She'll let me pick her up and hold her and she'll sit on my dad's lap. She's the "upstairs cat". She only comes down when she wants to go out to hunt or to hide in the back bathroom in the closet. She hates the dog. She's a good kitty. If I could have cats at my house, I'd bring her home. Living in the country, we have mice. No way around it really. Especially in the winter. She's a great mouser. And squirller as a mater of fact. :)
Feb-11-2007 16:00
Well, Badass, he's a miniature panther. And by miniature, I mean he's less than six feet long. But he's big, muscular, and doesn't take crap from Crunchpatties who call his person mean names. Then again, he's also surprisingly tender; when I was quite ill a couple of years ago, he curled up next to me and purred me to sleep. And when the fever was really bad, he would rub his little forehead on my cheek, then purr louder. It didn't help the illness, but it sure made me feel loved....
Old Shoe
Feb-11-2007 22:21
yeah, despite my infatuation with using them as ammo (seriously treschaude, I could play that game for hours at a time...still gets my vote as best way to waste time while waiting for clickover...personally I like the 'skidding and bouncing to an unceremonious death' deaths more than the rectal cactus impaling or the venus flytrap one), I dig the cats too.
The tragedy of spousal familial allergy syndrome prevents me from having one in the house too (which sucks, because there ain't any kids here so the pitter-pat I hear at night is almost certainly rodent-footed in origin). Seriously, y'all have no idea how many mice I've bludgeoned... *gets his belt and counts the notches*
Feb-11-2007 22:39
See Crunch, you poked fun at big bad Liam...betcha could use him around your place! Mice never dare to step foot in our house because they know what will happen.
(This doesn't stop them from crawling around in the 150 year old basement and getting stuck and rotting in the heating vent, though...but that is another story)