SleuthCon I
Rhiemma Moon
Jan-22-2007 04:06
Announcing the First Annual Sleuther's Convention:
Who? You
When? June 15-17, 2007
Where? Best Western Lakeside, Orlando (Kissimmee), FL
What? The cost for attending will be $125. This does not include your room, but does include meals (Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday) and activities. Rooms will be $69.00 per night booked in advance through the hotel. Simply tell the booking agent that you are attending SleuthCon I.
The evening of June 15th will essentially be a chance for people to get checked in and organized. It will also serve as a time for introducing ourselves to each other.
Saturday the 16th will be the main day of activities including a treasure hunt and concluding with a mystery dinner theater. There will be door prizes as well as other prize categories to be announced, such as farthest distance traveled to attend. Sunday will conclude the event with breakfast and gathering in the meeting room to hand out the last prizes and say our farewells.
As the event approaches I will have more detail on activities and prizes. I highly recommend booking early as the rooms will fill fast. Comments and suggestions will be duly noted and possibly used. :)
Hotel info is here:
It is best to call them as you will need to tell them you are attending SleuthCon I to get the reduced rate.
We will have it set up soon to take payments to reserve your spot at the convention. I will update here as soon as I have the particulars.
Replies |
Sleuth About Town
Feb-1-2007 09:24
hopes she'll hear all about it... as she can't go either... other plans have been made beforehand...
Eagle Eye Flo
Feb-3-2007 12:29
Is there anything new about Sleuthcon1? I would love to hear more deatails.
Woul it be possible to have some local mystery authors speak or be present during the weekend. I love getting autographed copies of books.
Rhiemma Moon
Feb-4-2007 22:58
We are working on getting an author, but no news yet. I'll keep you posted. :)
Rhiemma Moon
Feb-5-2007 14:13
Oh, and just a reminder. This will be a wonderfully fun event. BUT... it will depend upon all of you just how big it is. :) The more who show up the bigger it will be.
At this point in time we have the following in planning stages:
Friday night will mainly be for Check in and Socializing
Free SleuthCon I T-Shirt for paid attendees ($15 value)
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday
Door Prizes
Other specified prize categories (TBA)
Period photos w/costumes
Author (TBA)
Meet the Creator: Q&A with Ben Ringold
Treasure Hunt
Interview with a Sleuth Detective
Mystery Dinner Theater
Costumes encouraged, but NOT mandatory (second hand stores are wonderful for this)
There are other ideas in the works, but I will not go into those at this time. Please continue to send me ideas. :) As I've said before, I may or may not use them, but everything helps.
Pearl Diver
Feb-6-2007 17:33
is the mystery dinner theater a movie? will a car be needed for the treasure hunt? is the interview with a real detective who plays sleuth?
Rhiemma Moon
Feb-8-2007 20:50
The mystery dinner theater is a live production with interaction with the audience. The audience will have the task of 'solving' the mystery. There are prizes for the ones who get it right, and/or come the closest, I believe.
As far as I am aware, a car will NOT be needed for the treasure hunt. I believe we are trying to keep everything within walking distance.
The interview is with someone who plays a sleuth detective and I believe it will be done in character, but please don't quote me. I'm a little hazy on the details of that one yet.
My apologies for taking so long to answer. I'm trying to be in 4 different places at once right now and unfortunately my cloning machine is broken. :) Things should calm down for me after this weekend for a little while and I will be able to check in more often.
Feb-9-2007 13:34
There should be one in New York this summer too. :) Wish I could be there, sounds fun.
Pearl Diver
Feb-9-2007 20:03
thanks for the answers and was in no rush for answers either
i just hope you don't bring your cloning machine to be fixed at the place i brought mine. they broke it worse.
Eagle Eye Flo
Feb-10-2007 23:07
When you have the chance can yo utell us more about the meals that are included in the price. Will the be in a private room at the hotel with all of us eating togoether?
Rhiemma Moon
Feb-12-2007 17:16
Breakfasts will be in the hotel main dining area and will be buffet style. My understanding is they are really great with a lot of variety. Lunch on Saturday will be buffet style in our reserved banquet room. Dinner on Saturday is dependent on whether we bring the mystery dinner theatre to us, in which case there will be 2 choices in individually served meals in our reserved banquet room, or I bus everyone to the Theatre in which case there will be 2 choices in individually served meals (grin).