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SleuthCon I
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Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jan-22-2007 04:06

Announcing the First Annual Sleuther's Convention:


Who? You
When? June 15-17, 2007
Where? Best Western Lakeside, Orlando (Kissimmee), FL
What? The cost for attending will be $125. This does not include your room, but does include meals (Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday) and activities. Rooms will be $69.00 per night booked in advance through the hotel. Simply tell the booking agent that you are attending SleuthCon I.


The evening of June 15th will essentially be a chance for people to get checked in and organized. It will also serve as a time for introducing ourselves to each other.

Saturday the 16th will be the main day of activities including a treasure hunt and concluding with a mystery dinner theater. There will be door prizes as well as other prize categories to be announced, such as farthest distance traveled to attend. Sunday will conclude the event with breakfast and gathering in the meeting room to hand out the last prizes and say our farewells.

As the event approaches I will have more detail on activities and prizes. I highly recommend booking early as the rooms will fill fast. Comments and suggestions will be duly noted and possibly used. :)

Hotel info is here:

It is best to call them as you will need to tell them you are attending SleuthCon I to get the reduced rate.

We will have it set up soon to take payments to reserve your spot at the convention. I will update here as soon as I have the particulars.


Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jan-23-2007 17:16

just realized a percentage of members present gives the advantage to smaller agencies rather than leveling the playing field. I'll give it some thought.

Joshua Bishop
Joshua Bishop

Jan-23-2007 17:26

maybe both categories, absolute number AND percentage.

Can we have a costume ball with period costume?

Old Shoe

Jan-23-2007 18:46

Wow Sunny's Pregnant. A mini sleuth god is going to be born. :)

Lucky Stiff

Jan-23-2007 19:58

*is knitting a mini-fez as we speak*

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jan-23-2007 20:26

Yes! A little sleuth god/dess! I can't wait! :)

doing both categories is possible. I won't rule it out. :)

As for the costume ball, Flo had asked a similar question of me concerning a costume contest. We are still ironing out the details on the Sleuth Mystery Dinner Theatre. However, my understanding is that it won't go past 9:00 pm. I believe we have the banquet room until Midnight or so. Costumes could be worn all Saturday or just for the evening events and judging could take place after the dinner event. Judges for the event would be chosen in advance of members who had confirmed reservations and volunteered.

Additionally, There is a possibility that we will have a photographer there who specializes in period photos. This person has the costumes, sets, etc. My understanding is that he is very good and quite reasonably priced.

Della Devine
Della Devine

Jan-25-2007 19:34

Rhie is in Shangri-La, so you get me :)

Thank you, Sunny for making this sticky. :)

I did want to add that there is a deadline for reservations. We MUST have your reservations by May 15th. And, unfortunately, seating is limited. The banquet room only holds 100.

And for the next 2-several days, you can field questions to 'whatsername' *giggles* or email Everyone else who knows anything will be off on villain hunts. :)


Jan-26-2007 02:20

Maybe set up a skype link with camera so all of us who cant come can chat with you?

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Jan-27-2007 17:06

*sigh* I sure wish I could go!! I would absolutely love meet fellow sleuthers, and the good friends Ive made here!

Since I cant go though, I hope to have many pictures sent to me, and alot of stories about all the fun!!! :o)

Maybe I can attend the next get together, whenever that would be! : )

Story Teller

Jan-28-2007 02:14

Congrats on getting this up and running guys. :) It sounds really exciting. I'm digging all the themed events. Good Luck!!

Old Shoe

Jan-28-2007 06:17

I agree with PA all the actvities seem awesome. And once again, I envy everyone whos going.

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