The merits of Ant Farming
Jan-17-2007 17:32
Owning an ant farm is a fascinating hobby and it’s particularly good for kids. It’s educational and fun too, and because it’s fun, the things that kids learn tend to stick. Many people have developed a lifelong interest in the natural world through owning a live animal as a child. So what could be better than an ant farm? They are clean, quiet and don’t need to be taken for walks when it’s raining! Because ants are social insects, they display a whole range of co-operative behaviours that we can learn a lot from.
Anybody with some experience on the subject?
Replies |
Jan-18-2007 15:25
oh and someone must have a problem... cuz there's ANTs in pANTs
Assistant Postman
Jan-18-2007 15:37
Darn it. And I was so close. :(
Jan-18-2007 19:52
Who is Bobo?
Jan-18-2007 20:19
is Bobo an ant?
Ant farms are pretty fascinating ... for one day, maybe. I would probably prefer to visit someone who has one and oooh and aaah, than have one myself.
Old Shoe
Jan-19-2007 13:21
Bobo is only the secksiest primate EVER!
okay...after having spent *HOURS* excavating the message boards circa late july/early august I think I can safely say that Bobo (and chimptalk) starts here (Becky's legacy)
was apparently mine here but then offered as sacrifice to Al Z here:
... after a brief stint of cleaning up after Al (hellooooo wet naps), he was put up for auction here:
and returned to the J-ro here:
...but then was promptly lured into biggie's clutches, where he did a little prize-fighting on her behalf. He's been pretty quiet since then - maybe someone combed out his ticks, stuck them in a baggie full of sand called it an ant farm? He's pretty easily distracted; I could see him ooohing and ahhhhing for months with a fun baggie like that.
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe
Jan-19-2007 13:38
B00-Boo is the ant.
Ant farming is a lot like Sea Farming. The only difference is, one is done in the water and the other in the sand.
Con Artist
Jan-19-2007 13:42
Crunch, you are my hero! lol.
I think Al Z has bobo in an undisclosed government location. We haven't heard from either of them for a while.
Lucky Stiff
Jan-19-2007 13:43
Crunch did you forget about the time where you had Bobo and forced me to take care of him for you? Or is that in there? ;)
Lucky Stiff
Jan-19-2007 13:48
OOH wait! We are missing a whole chunk here. I think it was in that Becky thread that eventually got deleted...damn!!!
Con Artist
Jan-19-2007 14:05
there was something about a Thailand bordello, a tupper ware boxing ring, and a sweatshop right. My poor poor monkey. The things you did to him Biggie. You should be ashamed. lol