Sleuth Home - Message Boards - Detective Agency Recruiting

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looking to be recruited


Jan-12-2007 01:57

hi im tamarocaroo and im lookin for an agency i now have contacts in both new your and shangi

thank you


Lavender Crompton
Lavender Crompton

Jan-14-2007 00:05

We would welcome you at the Underground. We are located in London and pay for your travel to us. A lot of us are experienced players, glad to help and have most contacts while you get yours in London. If you're interested, just let me know. Happy Sleuthing!!:D

Lavender Crompton
Lavender Crompton

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Lavender Crompton
Lavender Crompton

Jan-14-2007 00:07

Sorry, computer glich of some sort. Heaven only knows.

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