sugar daddies wanted!!!
Jan-8-2007 22:28
Daricex and I need a sugar daddy to buy an apartment for us.
Replies |
Jan-19-2007 01:26
while these are all good... we still have a few days wait... 4 in fact... more are welcome... please... feel free...
Jan-19-2007 17:09
So far so good I must say :) But I bet there's a heck more hidden or not so hidden talent over here.....
Please share with us :-)
Jan-20-2007 01:26
To all those talented sleuthettes... be brave and bold... take a challenge... post it the poem here... enlighten us with your talents.
Jan-20-2007 10:52
3 days left... please... share your talents sleuthettes...
Jan-20-2007 15:55
just bumping this back up since it got moved a ways... we need more contestants... and this needs to be on the 1st page since not everyone looks past that.
Jan-21-2007 16:57
Oh villain, where art thou?
I can see that you are scared from the sweat upon your brow.
It matters not whether you are woman or man,
From here on out, your life is my hand.
Oh villian, surely you must see,
Your ending is nearing, you cannot stay hiddent from me.
Villian of villains, head of the class.
Your days become numbered, you are within my grasp.
Oh villian, I have fulfilled my vow.
Your crimes and your running, both ended right now.
For I am the detective you cannot outrun.
I will move on to another, because your case is done.
Jan-22-2007 18:53
One more day to turn in your more entrant and get yourself a brand new apartment. You can do it :-)
Jan-23-2007 23:23
After some serious deliberation we, the Jury, came to the conclusion that cfm her poem had very worthy competition. It didn't stop her to be awarded with the title of Sleuth's best poem in this quite spontaneous and somewhat unexpected poetry contest.
I hereby wish to thank all participants for their excellent contributions and it seems we have enough talent around here for possible similar contests.
Congratulations to cfm who can pick up her price any time she likes.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jan-23-2007 23:36
Congrats cfm. I knew you win, no competition at all :D
Well done :D
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
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