Hotshots - For Women Only
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jan-5-2007 19:51
Calling all Sleuthettes!
Let's have a pajama party and talk about our favorite men - real life or fantasy.
I absolutely adore Tim Allen. He has that little boy, Peter Pan quality about him that is so sexy. And of course, we mustn't forget his great sense of humor, such an appealing characteristic in a man. Last, but certainly not least, he has that vulnerable, honest quality that just makes you want to hug him.
Replies |
Jan-6-2007 18:14
*needs to type faster, and is determined to make this women only*
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-6-2007 18:14
Can't we just come in then? It's awfully cold out here. My Cadillac doesn't have heating, cos they hadn't invented that yet either.
Plus, it was only a listening device we had pla...(Oh why did you say that!)
Jan-6-2007 18:14
I think we're boned, gentlemen.
Oh, wait. This is all a virtual world.
***Proceeds to go all Matrix-y and watches the data as it scrolls past his display***
Jan-6-2007 18:17
alright, alright i give... *runs to the bedroom, finds her bag, and runs to the bathroom... changes back to her regular clothes...* sorry girls, but i don't have pants with this night shirt... and if we're going to let the guys watch... i'm going to be decent.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-6-2007 18:18
So, I don't need the skirt after all.
I don't have the legs for it anyway.
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2007 18:20
*practing dance routine*
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2007 18:25
I guess my dance is missing a couple of letters.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-6-2007 18:26
Another thread successfully hijacked by the Hitchhikers.
"If its not going where we want it to go, We'll hijack it"
Assistant Postman
Jan-6-2007 20:26
Damn. And I was just about to bring the Tequila and Better Than Sex dessert.
Jan-6-2007 21:48
Ohhh ... hello everyone...bring lots of booze.. now the party can start...well, well, well,, i always new they were women.. look a the girlish figures on them.. besides only a woman can be that smart... right? pinches serges posterior .. Nice nightie serges!! giggles... well if you little boys are going to be hear at least you can serve us.. heres the booze .. go and set it up.. and dont forget to give us that popcorn..
sha-says over to Ara and Helen.. hey girlfriends!!
I would have to agree about orlando .. very creepy.. Now if you had to choose .. who would be your number one pick for older men?? I am partcial to Shaun Connory (totally misspelled his name) it s the voice..yumm--o... totally agree about warwick on csi..hottie..
As far as sleuth men?? looks over at serges and adams legs.. hummm?!!! well,, what can a girl say... delicious!! lol