One Week Countdown
Con Artist
Dec-31-2006 00:39
Ok I know this thread is completely self centered and y'all won't care...
But, exactly one week from today I will be stepping off a plane in North Carolina to spend a week with the beautiful, wonderful Autumnsprings. I can't wait to get there honey!
So anyways, I figured I'd announce that we we're meeting up and taking the romance into the real world. So now all you gossip hounds have had your fix. ;0) Pictures will be coming later.
Replies |
Jan-17-2007 15:09
i don't know about you guys... but i would not call non-alcoholic beer - water... just not my forte. speaking of which... what would you call it?
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Jan-17-2007 15:10
Water is a form of non alcoholic beer. A tap dispenses liquid, hence taps for water OR beer.
Jan-17-2007 15:10
i knew you can drink too much water... i get sick every time... but they say it's good for you i say no it's not cuz i get sick.
Jan-17-2007 15:11
btw adam... are you happy... i've gotten with the program... now if only i could type faster...
Assistant Postman
Jan-17-2007 15:11
Your logic is fuzzy Adam. :P Maybe you've had too much alcoholic beer. :D
Jan-17-2007 15:12
damn arthritis...damn arthritis... damn arthritis...
Lucky Stiff
Jan-17-2007 15:12
I would call non-alcoholic beer crap, personally :)
And you have to drink a TON of water to get sick like that. The girl drank like 2 gallons of water in an hour and in order to win the contest, you had to be the last person to run to the bathroom to pee.
Smart people huh? Hope a new game system is worth dying over...dumbasses.
Jan-17-2007 15:13
i get sick from drinking less than 8 glasses a day...
Assistant Postman
Jan-17-2007 15:14
It's a proven fact. People will do stupid shit to win things. And most times it's something small and insignificant like a t-shirt or free drink.
Jan-17-2007 15:14
Call the thing you get liquid out of anything you want.
The important thing is, Farrah Fawcett is STILL a hottie.