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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Dec-29-2006 12:01

Look at that, an on-time launch for a change!

Apartments are now available in the following cities:

New York

To purchase an apartment visit the real estate agency in the city you want to buy in. Apartments are quite expensive, and furnishing them is also costly, so you probably should wait if your short on funds.

There are two types of furniture that aren't yet working:

1) Study Furniture / Case File storage: These items will allow you to save case files, as in detective agencies, but this functionality is not yet finished.

2) Bookshelves: Bookshelves will eventually allow your guests to read books that you have collected (and gain the experience from doing so), but these are also currently incomplete.




Feb-7-2007 18:09

Hah it would be cool if you could use your lock picking skills to break into someones apartment. I think you should be allowed to have more than one apartment to reward the people who have played the longest.

Old Shoe

Feb-10-2007 08:55

I dont think it would be cool to break into an apartment to tell you the truth I'd be scared. I don't want my 500k apartment getting broke into. :S


Mar-7-2007 17:32

No kidding! Have to have one place no one else can get to your stuff! :) I have a question concerning how many items can fit in a room...Will I be able to hold 4 major items in a one bedroom apartment? (beyond regular furnishings) such as storage for clothing,cases,books, and msg. board? Thanks for the help! ;)

Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Apr-4-2007 04:06

Has anyone noticed the new Ballroom? This can now be bought (although its NOT cheap!)

I wonder what purpose it serves...

Old Shoe

Apr-4-2007 04:47

Well Daphne, at the prom Big Lucy had one. It's basically a chatroom with music from what I know.

Daphne Dangerfield
Daphne Dangerfield
Old Shoe

Apr-4-2007 05:39

Oh, I missed that :(

But a chatroom with music would be fantastic!

Battered Shoe

Apr-4-2007 06:56

BAD music. REALLY bad music!

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Apr-4-2007 07:08

The music wasn't that bad Ara. Oh wait, yeah it was! And I couldn't turn it off either!

Lucky Stiff

Apr-4-2007 07:24

sigh....still complaining about that are you Adam?

*thinks Ben should change the song to "Baby Got Back"


Apr-4-2007 14:37

What kind of music was it? I take it its 20:s and 30:s music?

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