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Dec-29-2006 05:54

We had an agent join, take equipment, take other agents cases, the quit. She then went to another agency (I warned them) and did the same. She is now onto her 3rd agency (again I have warned them) and I am sure she will do the same. Is there any other way to handle this? Somewhere I should report her? Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Battered Shoe

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Lucky Stiff

Dec-29-2006 06:15

Monica, I know there is an area in the Director's Lounge for reporting such agents. PM Logan Creed for the information on how to register if you haven't already.

*kicks stupid jerk-face people*

Battered Shoe

Dec-29-2006 06:24

And sorry if I shouldn't have shared the address outright, I really thought it was already publicly known.... :(

R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-29-2006 07:25

Posting the problem detectives name here would be a help to other agencies that are not part of the directors lounge. Or so that we can see if they start up their own agency based on the proceeds of what they have taken.

Old Shoe

Dec-29-2006 10:36

I've talked a bit with people from Bella Mafia (2nd agency she ripped stuff off from) about this and have just posted the name over on the Director's Lounge. As Monica says, her current agency has been made aware of her history by both of the prior victims, so I can only assume/hope that they are treating her with caution.

Pinball Amateur

Dec-29-2006 11:16

You can try reporting the agent to Admin, but the results of that in the past have been mixed, at best.

Oh Ben????

Lucky Stiff

Dec-29-2006 11:19

Does anyone else think in a case like this, where it has been a pattern of behavior, the detective's name should be posted?

I mean, I understand not wanting to blacklist anyone who may have just made a mistake, but this is much more serious.

Lady of Shadows

Dec-29-2006 11:36

Um, Ben's a little busy with the Apartments.

The actions this person is being accused of are not against any written rules of Sleuth. I invite the accused detective to explain her/his self or face the community enforced blacklist.

Peg Leg Writer
Peg Leg Writer

Dec-29-2006 20:34

Thanks for all your help. What is that saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Anabella Baker
Anabella Baker

Dec-30-2006 01:21

I just saw the post, and since some people made such a big thing out of it, I thought I should say something to.... First of all, Sleuth is a game... It' s not our real life... But as in real life to, people make mistakes and deserve chances... Seconds and thirds... When I contacted the director of my new agancy, I told her my story, and she decided to give me that chance... And I am sure that she won't regret it because I am a very good detective and I like the game a lot... Conserning the accusations, it is true that I took gear from Bella Mafia's locker room, because I needed the money in order to pay Shady, but I was going to replace the soonest posible ... If they had give me the chance. (Some of it was mine, anyway but I understand how it may seemed at the moment...)But they kicked me out of the agency without even let me explain myself... As for Blood and Dagger, I will just say that they take to many time to set rules and more rules, and restrictions, than to enjoy the game and let the others do the same... Happy New year to everybody and thank you for your time....
( I appologize for my English but I am Greek so... I just tried my best...)

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