weird, funny suspect names
balash 3
Dec-28-2006 15:46
I have suspect named "Candy Cane" in this case.
Merry Xmas!?
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-26-2016 15:38
I hope you solved it and didn't have a cliff hanger ;)
(sorry, but someone had to say it!)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-30-2016 08:58
I beleive these names are formed randomly..that's what I like about it.
Niu Yu Wen
Keira Ann
Jul-31-2016 12:51
Ok, this is not a suspect name. However...
I have 2 suspects in the same case with the same avatar...that of Ms. Helen. Are they triplets?
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jul-31-2016 13:17
Interesting Keira. I had the exact same problem earlier :)
Thought I was seeing double
Con Artist
Aug-19-2016 18:02
Paine Teng.
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Aug-23-2016 12:02
My clients name was Da Nie
Would have been really funny if he would have been the murderer.
Con Artist
Aug-24-2016 12:08
i got a ben ringold. different picture than our fearless befezzed leader though. and he was not guilty if i recall correctly which is kind of a gamble these days.
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Aug-25-2016 12:40
Devi Do.
What exactly do you do, Devi?
Con Artist
Aug-26-2016 12:41
Just got this suspect: Mona Logue
Sep-6-2016 04:54
That moment I had to evidence check 2 people in Shanghai - first names being Qing and Kong. Had to smirk :)