weird, funny suspect names
balash 3
Dec-28-2006 15:46
I have suspect named "Candy Cane" in this case.
Merry Xmas!?
Replies |
Nov-10-2007 02:51
I just had a Christian Bales as a suspect! He wasn't guilty of any murder, though. How disappointing.
Nov-10-2007 09:54
Hey, Tara-Marie... I would have taken him "downtown" for "questioning" anyway. Umm, yeah. Downtown. Questioning. *snerk*
Nov-10-2007 14:52
What a fabulous idea, why didn't I think of that?! Hahaha!
Old Shoe
Nov-11-2007 01:18
Wait, Christian bales what, exactly?
Oh Hay! I mean *hey*. He bales hay. I get it now. What is it with the girls and the attraction to american psychos in batman costumes?
Hey Ben: I think Anikka just said the female subscription rate would fly through the roof if you offered padded cells as a skill option.
*Will now personally show up to cook dinner for the first person who can provide evidence of meeting an Ishat Mypants in Delhi*
Nov-11-2007 10:37
Okay, firstly, Christian Bale was born in Wales and raised in England. So he's a BRITISH psycho in a batman costume. ;-)
Secondly, I heartily approve the padded cell skill option, as long as Ben keeps supplying Chri...I mean, yeah, what a great idea. Ahem.
Thirdly, does it have to be real evidence, or can I fake it just to get something cooked by Chef Crunchypants? *begs Ben to add 'Myhat' as a last name in Delhi*
Nov-22-2007 19:45
Okay, this morning I worked a case that was graced by the presence of both Yu Hu (yoohoo) and Tsi-Ku (seek you).
Old Shoe
Nov-23-2007 00:20
heh. Reminds me that there's a form of yoga out there called Kripalu (cripple you).
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Nov-23-2007 00:22
How about an English, French Native American? Pierre Amezcua of London. :-)
If you want to see this legendary dude, go to the London prison, and find out visiting hours. He murdered his mommy. Probably because she gave him such a wierd name :-)
I like the long ones best, but the best long one I've ever had was, drumroll please...
Genevieve Bedenbaugh!!!
I really need to go to Shanghai and pick up a few good ones!
Sleuth About Town
Nov-24-2007 23:06
Anita Wong-that is the worst name yet
Nov-25-2007 22:49
I'll hand out some creativity points...but if I'm in NYC why do so many people have the same last name and almost all related to eachother?