weird, funny suspect names
balash 3
Dec-28-2006 15:46
I have suspect named "Candy Cane" in this case.
Merry Xmas!?
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-24-2007 07:37
Henry Smith - now what kind of name is that for a citizen of Delhi?
Oct-24-2007 15:50
Ran across a husband with STD as his initials.... you really would have thought he'd done it.
Old Shoe
Oct-24-2007 23:49
Wait, what happened with Ran and someone's husband?
(sorry Cybersurfnmom, I'm being all inside-jokey-punny. "Ran" is often used around here in reference to R_Anstett, one of the relatively old time sleuthers :)
*snickers like Bevis* Heh, STD's.
Oct-27-2007 17:54
I'm laughin so hard, my sides hurt.....I remember R_Anstett.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Oct-28-2007 11:13
I just had a case where a name came up of Bai Bai..that one had me laughing! :)
Jazlene chacha diva
Oct-29-2007 03:46
my case right now has that name! Bai Bai! Weird......
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Nov-2-2007 16:20
Lok Smith
Almost with I didn't hae lock-picking now.
Nov-3-2007 05:20
i had a suspect named..murali..hahaha...its not funny at all..i just find the name weird..
Nov-10-2007 02:51
I just had a Christian Bales as a suspect! He wasn't guilty of any murder, though. How disappointing.
Nov-10-2007 09:54
Hey, Tara-Marie... I would have taken him "downtown" for "questioning" anyway. Umm, yeah. Downtown. Questioning. *snerk*