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Sep-7-2004 21:25

I had encounter a few false accuse which doesn't make any sence.

case 1
Physical Evidence: Handwriting from someone who is right handed (Opal Buchannan)
Witness Evidence: Opal Buchannan suspects Wileen Buchannan (Bloody Hands)

I had chose Wileen base on the logic that Wileen had bloody hands while opah only sent threat letter. With the answer i had to assume that since Opah has physical evidence her statement on Wileen become invalid.

Case 2
Physical Evidence:
Thread from female's clothes (Elvira Menkveld)
Handwriting from someone who is right handed (Constance Riggs)

Witness Evidence: Elvira Menkveld suspects Constance Riggs (Verb. Threat)

I was at first tempted to choose Constance since she has both witness and physical evidence. but after some considerations. i notice that the witness has a physical edvidence so her statement is not trustworthy. with both having physical evidence, i chose Evira since the thread prove that she had contact with the victim while threat letter doesnt prove anything. I was right on this one.

Case 3
Physical Evidence:
Hair from someone with curly hair
Handwriting from someone who is left handed (Horace Dorsey)
Thread from female's clothes (Barbara Dunning)

No witness and the hair doesn't belong to anyone. I chose Barbara since she had contact with the victims. Can someone enlighten me what is going on??? Is my logic on Case 1 & 2 correct? what happen to case 3

Also at some case i only have 1 witness and client. i cant get any more witness from the sole witness even though I had the interrogation skill and my toughness adj is 4. it happen quite a few times. i had to quit. anything i can do about it???



Sep-7-2004 23:55

I like to thank all those who gave me the advice. this is a site with the most friendly and helpful people i have ever encounter. but it still doesn't answer my questions. first, i always check the alibi first, then those with fake alibi will get first piority for checking for witness. all those i accuse have either no alibi or fake alibi. i never accuse one with real alibi. secondly, i already have the research skill. but really, thanks for all the response, even though, i post it less than 1 hour ago. great site, great people.


Sep-8-2004 00:06

even if there's no alibi, is that because they clammed up, or is that because they said they had no alibi. that's a common problem as well :)


Sep-8-2004 00:26

I always give those with fake alibi first priority, then those who clammed up, lastly those who say "none of ur business, i have no alibi". Does anyone know why in some cases, the ONLY suspect just clammed up and refuse to provide more suspect??? I had the interrogation skill and my toughness adj is 4. So i had no choice but to quit the case. happen to me several times.

Old Shoe

Sep-8-2004 03:38

a fake alibi and no alibi ("Its none of your business...") are equally good. Clam ups can be either. Some witnesses give wrong information, so they will say someone did it even if they have a real alibi. Some suspects with real alibis leave evidence at the scene. The most important thing is alibi (real vs fake or none)
Suspects vary in how quick they clam up, and whether they respond better to tough or charming. Sometimes you just hit one that is touchy and doesn't like your style. It happens to all of us now and then.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-8-2004 04:28

Delvin, in regards to why the only suspect clams up and won't divulge more suspects, it is important to ask your witnesses for others with a motive BEFORE asking for an alibi. You can solve a case with some uncertainty about alibis, but you can't solve it if you are missing the suspect you need to accuse. Once your field of suspects is complete (the number varies by level and has been addressed in other threads on this board), you can ask for alibis and disregard the motive question for all other suspects.

The only exception to this is if you have not yet found a motive for your client. If your client is guilty, but you don't have a motive, you will not be able to accuse him or her. So even when your field of suspects is complete, you might want to keep asking about others with motives until you get a motive for your client.

The other option, of course, is to check your client's alibi first. If he or she has a valid alibi, then you don't need to bother the other suspects about a motive, and you might save yourself some questions that way and prevent clamming.

Hope this is helpful, and good luck!

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

Sep-8-2004 10:24

My advist to all never ask the question to the towns people do you know anything about this case? It really doesn't help you at all and you can save yourself a question.


Sep-9-2004 07:10

I almost always question the towns people.. after asking them the more important ones .. Alibis.. then I do not ask the townspeople that have evidence skills I need for the case about the case .. This narrows a bit who does and who doesn't know something in the suspects.. for instance, if I keep asking about K and the majority don't know anything about K.. it might point me to not finding K guilty unless I find that some of them don't know ANYTHING anyway.

I always try and narrow the field as much as possible.. but I agree with you Skyler and DON"T waste questions on this unless all your alibis have been accounted for and you don't need the question to be used for evidence.

M. Zane
M. Zane

Sep-10-2004 16:31

Dr. Falco is right always ask the do you know someone with a motive question FIRST then alibi. Some folks work one way and others another. I always ask motive untill I get all suspects then I ask non important towsfolk for alibis for example bartender, waitress, butcher, music teacher. That way you dont use up essential towns folk like barber, butcher and such and definately buy research as soon as possible. This eliminates one suspect with a false alibi. Oh well just my opinion. I disagree I always ask townsfolk if they know anything. Sometimes they point you in the right direction.

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