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QUESTIONable Conversation
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Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-13-2006 11:19

Okay, in this game, you can only talk in questions. For example:

dude 1: can you dance?

dude 2 : why should I tell you?

dude 3: why shouldn't you tell him/her?

and etc.
Lets start: Who are you? (remember to answer in questions!)



Nov-16-2007 12:40

Why do all you people keep answering questions with questions?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

Nov-16-2007 12:45

Are we doing that?

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-16-2007 14:55

Well, that's what the game is, isn't it?

Fizzlewig Trapspringer
Fizzlewig Trapspringer

Nov-17-2007 17:55

This is a game?

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-17-2007 18:01

I thought so, didn't you?


Nov-17-2007 19:37

Whatever gave you that idea?

Melanie D'lish
Melanie D'lish
Big Winner

Nov-25-2007 13:36

It was an idea?

Sleuth About Town

Nov-25-2007 13:58

Are you sure about that? What was it before it became an idea? Was it nothing then?

Charlotte Montgomery
Charlotte Montgomery

Nov-25-2007 18:10

What was nothing then?

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Nov-25-2007 22:36

What are you talking about? What am I talking about? Should I get my head checked? Should all of us get our heads checked? Will anyone answer the questions asked here? What is the sound of 1 hand clapping?

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