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Why we LOVE Sleuth

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-7-2006 06:57

I love sleuth cause I'm not great at making friends (everythings hard when you're 14) but here no one judges me by how I look or what I wear. And everyone's nice, and we all care about each other, regardless of anything else. I love you all.


Lord of Llamas
Lord of Llamas

Dec-7-2006 07:02


Lord of Llamas
Lord of Llamas

Dec-7-2006 07:03

And also: I concur.


Dec-7-2006 07:16

Ah, it's always nice to see a pair of new faces.

It's even nicer when those new faces get a bite of the Sleuth apple and become hopelessly addicted...


By the way, I love Sleuth because without it, the AVL would be REALLY lame.


Dec-7-2006 08:00

*giggles* well... I will agree Sara ... there are alot of nice people here. Everyone working together to make the game great.

I love Sleuth... well,,, i just love it..Thinking of naming my next child after it.. how does Sleuthie Boothie sound?? LOL

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-7-2006 11:45

Sleuthie Boothie... Go for it!! Serges... an evil laugh? That's good!

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