Lord of Llamas
Dec-5-2006 16:24
Rules: Someone asks a "What would you do if?" question. The next person replies, and says their own question.
Person 1 - What would you do if cheese fell from the sky?
Person 2 - Make fondue!; WWYDI sleuth closed down?
Person 3 - Commit suicide!; WWYDI the world was going to blow up?
Here you go: What would you do if there were only two dimensions, and everything was flat?
Replies |
Lord of Llamas
Dec-15-2006 09:21
I would go back to sleep and curse mondays.
WWYDI Monet threw a Mardi Gras ball with cabbage under L'arc de Triomphe, but didn't invite you?
Dec-15-2006 13:17
I would thank my lucky stars. Yay, cabbage.
WWYDI if you found someone with a sniper rifle in a tree in your backyard?
Emma Barlowe
Dec-15-2006 15:57
Ooh...I would have to pull out my trusty blow gun and fire a sleeper dart at him...only to have him fall out of the tree and land on my lawn. Going over, I discover Crunch laying there fast asleep. I take his cell phone and dial up the Slumber Party Girls who, in turn, come to pick up their new, sleeping best friend. THEN, I take his cell phone and give it to my old Aunt Rita to play with...hee hee! :)
WWYDI you were given a choice to be rich and ugly or poor and handsome/beautiful?
Old Shoe
Dec-16-2006 01:16
*kinda scared right now because I ALSO have an aunt Rita*
Emma, was yours obsessed with Kentucky Fried Chicken too? Shall I call you"cuz"???
I'd take the money and have the surgery. Goodbye third nipple, hello forehead corn-rows. Yay, now I'm "slumber party" pretty :P
WWYDI you met your doppleganger?
Emma Barlowe
Dec-16-2006 23:06
Crunch - not KFC...but Long John Silver's **shudders in disgust** and you can definitely call me "cuz"... :)
I would ask them to trade places with me for a couple of days. Maybe I could get a vacation...maybe my doppelganger is RICH (but not ugly) and I can go play a while. *sighs in contentment*
But unfortunately, with my luck, my doppelganger would have 34 children and live on welfare in an area that would be considered "blighted". No vacation for me!!
WWYDI you hit a car but no one was around...would you leave your information or run away?
Old Shoe
Dec-16-2006 23:56
lol, that would be more like "What DID you do WHEN you hit a car and no-one was around"?
Yeah I scribbled my phone number on the hood with my greasy chicken 11 herbs and spices coated index finger and ran like I had a goon squad on my tail.
And I'd totally do it again.
WWYDI you were being stalked by Col. Sanders?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Dec-17-2006 08:15
Try to remember not to cluck, squawk or cross the road.
WWYDI Martians landed?
Dec-17-2006 12:33
I'd play Slim Whitman records until all their heads exploded. Unfortunately, my head would probably explode, too. Yeesh!
WWYDI you had a chance to sail around the world on a replica of a 1600's sailing ship, but you totally had to work your way?
Sleuth About Town
Dec-19-2006 08:12
well, as long as i'm not the only one on that ship... i guess it'd be alright, I'd work my way.
WWYDI you had a chance to go all over the world, but had only 80 days to do it?
Dec-19-2006 09:27
I would use my 80 days wisely.
WWYDI everyone around you was insane?