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Ellsworth Toohey
Ellsworth Toohey

Dec-4-2006 18:03

There are so many Wings and Wongs that whenever I Wing, I get the Wong number!

Seriously. I'll have a Zi and Zhi and a Xi.... and Huang and Wang... Shou and Chou and now I've somehow got Huan Yue Dunning and Huan Yue Liu. Exact same first AND middle name!

My favorite though was Ma-Ku Chi. :-)

Seriously.... whoever came up with the names in Shanghai was a SADIST.

Anyone out there ever mis-accused in Shanghai because of mistaking a name ? I haven't yet, but I know I have to be always on my guard!


Lola Palooza
Lola Palooza

Dec-7-2006 07:28

I have come across two Huan Yues once as well and reported it as a bug, but it seems that it is still happening.

Artemis Hunt
Artemis Hunt

Dec-9-2006 16:00

In Shanghai, I started using the "Doctor Watson" utility, I am meticulous about cutting and pasting the exact spelling of suspects' names, and keeping them in the order they appear on the map.

BTW, a good reminder ALWAYS to pay Shady after 2 false accusations.

Old Shoe

Jan-13-2007 05:05

Look I have the whole family! :D
Na Miao (Cousin)
Tien-Mu Miao (Cousin) New
Neville Miao (Cousin)
Shin-Mu Miao (Cousin) New
Shen Nung Miao (Uncle) Client
Shou-Hsing Miao (Brother) New


Jan-13-2007 09:08

*rocks in her chair petting the little kitty in her lap*

When I first came to town, *looks off in the distance briefly lost in a memory or two*a little over two years ago....Ben made arrangements so that exact duplicate names wouldn't happen.

*grunts softly, a sour curl over her lips* But Shanghai is dreadful. All those two first named people. Those should count as duplicates if you ask me. Rotten city.

*waves absently to bookshelves lined neatly with cardboard boxes* The memo is over there somewhere. I'm really not up to digging for it though.

I wonder if maybe something got lost in the recent expansion or something?


Jan-14-2007 08:22

B&D has offices in Dehli and Shanghi and I have experienced the same name many times. I just never thought much of it. I keep my suspects by their initials and always double check before accusing. Just thought it was part of being a meticulous detective (ok, so I'm a virgo and *maybe* a little anal) and that was the Sleuth Gods way of keeping me on my toes!


Jan-23-2007 12:01

Chin Tibby and Chun Tibby currently in my case. I had to do a double take.

Amber Leigh
Amber Leigh

Feb-22-2007 22:18

I just had a case with a Huan Yue Newsom (son) and Huan Yue Newsom (cousin).


Feb-23-2007 06:45

Thats scary. What if both Huan Yue's had false alibis and Huan Yue had PE evidence against him. Who would you accuse?

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