Pimp My Sleuth
Dec-1-2006 08:48
This thread asks a pretty simple question...
What one item would you like to see become available for your character in Sleuth, and why?
Go nuts on this one, it's called "Pimp My Sleuth", after all...
"Raggedy Towel"--accessory
This item replaces the Compact Travel Kit. Only accessible to members of the Hitchhiker agencies, for aesthetic purposes, of course :)
Replies |
Dec-6-2006 06:07
LOL... looks like I get the Serges for 80 bucks. YAAA HOOO.
ahh.. yoyo my honey was much more expensive so 80 bucks is cheap. Besides i just want him to clean my house and that is cheap for a maid. :)
Okay Serges.... the bathrooms need cleaning.. then the kitchen .. don't forget to do the ironing.. Oh and I need you to stop at the grocery store..Hummm... Let me just make you a list!...hee hee..
soo.. what do you guys think of my first attempt at highjacking a thread?? Not to bad if I say so myself.
Dec-6-2006 06:23
What just happened?!?!?!
shell marple
Con Artist
Dec-6-2006 06:27
Looks like you just got sold into slave labor Serges.
Dec-6-2006 06:33
hee hee.. I own you Serges!!!
ahh my little puppet...
Lucky Stiff
Dec-6-2006 06:51
ahh Serges....see you thought it was all fun and games, you get pimped, get to be all cool and have people bid on you....
now look at you, in a maid's uniform and wearing that pearl necklace....
(maybe you should have supplied me with some cash, I would have bought you for much better purposes ;)
*giggles helplessly at the image of Serges in a gingham apron and heels*
Dec-6-2006 07:55
don't forget biggie that the maid costume is one of the most popular!!
I just like to watch him on his tipppie toes dusting...(hee hee) Nice legs there Serges!! *rings little bell* ohh Serges.. would you be so kind as to make breakfast??
Biggie, what do you want for breakfast??
Dec-6-2006 08:11
Laugh it up while you can, ladies.
There WILL be fallout.
***sneaks away to the Fortress of Solitude to program an appropriate payback...***
Dec-6-2006 09:19
Well dang it all to heck..if I had known that the bid was for cleaning services, I would have gone up higher!
*grabs the vaccum cleaner, muttering to herself*
Sara Lou
Dec-6-2006 11:45
LISTEN! What's I snuck into your house last night and stole Serges! I hope you can find him...
Dec-6-2006 14:12
I am so with biggie528!!