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Number of cases before a favor
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Nov-13-2006 02:34

It used to be that we get a favor case after solving 3 "normal" cases. Is there a change to it??? I didnt get a favor case after 3 cases. Thanks.


Lavender Crompton
Lavender Crompton

Dec-20-2006 21:10

It used to always be 3 cases then a favor, but now I've consistently had to do 4 cases before a favor. I'm glad there was a post on it, I just thought it was something that had changed.

Sleuth About Town

Dec-21-2006 04:49

I've found its either 4 regular cases or 3 cases and the last favor case - so if you quit a favor you need to do 4 regular cases. Hasnt it always been this way?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-21-2006 08:04

Yes to Astro, it has been that way for a long time if not from the beginning.

Do three cases successfully, earn a favor.

Do that favor successfully

Do three more cases successfully (also called rebuilding), earn a favor


Dec-21-2006 21:27

I just solved 4 cases in a row, and I still didn't get a favor

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